Please give a Software developer at least some more Background info: - what MS System you are using - what is the user Level you are logged in with? Admin? Can you start the Client as Admin? - is it Happening at Startup or after some time/reconnects ? In case later, after how Long or after how many reconnects it does happen? - in what Situation is the issue Happening? is dedi or local rf2 running when starting Client? Is it the n-th Client starting up? - what Server and Client configuration is used ? what it the initial Client path trying to look up from Server (from registry seek rf2weatherclient or XML if checked last time) - what .net Version is used - .. any other useful info I can not reproduce your issue so it´s not easy to tell, but obviously your System does not allow Opening Name pipes so I would try to allow them, how I do not know. edit: do you try to connect to a Server in LAN Environment or localhost? for LAN, ports 137 and 139 UDP and potentially 445 TCP are used and must be "open". Then you should have also Access to the remote machine. I have not yet tested that LAN Scenario much but it´s probably more critical for user Access Rights than having both rf2 and the Client running in the same system.
There was no sarcasm. Independent of this: I forgot that the whole Auto geolookup by reading track gdb files can not work in a LAN Connection because the Client need to access the Server paths to the installtion data of tracks. It can only work if client is on same machine, localhost (.) . But the geodata file lookup (->save button) should work as the Client lookup file is stored on the Client machine.
@Anto870 if you want some help,.you should give some help. You post an screenshot of your problem, but without giving any data. It's difficult to help somebody without info.
It works. Look at this.
First, thank you for this plugin. Would it be possible to synchronize the session time with the time at the real track automatically? I see that there is an "Altitude" entry in the .xml for tracks, is it useful?
Can you explain the time Question in more Detail please, by an example? UTC or local time or what do you mean? Altitude is not useful, you can leave 0. QUESTION TO EVERYBODY: If the gdb file is compressed into a mas, and there is a .mas file which equals the trackname but it does NOT own the .gdb file, does the .gdb file must be in the <trackname>_main.mas file ? Is this a naming convention (*_main.mas ) ?? Or can it be in any other .mas file in same Directory? Thx
I mean that if I launch a session I'd like to have the session time synchronized with the real track time. E.g., if I launch Laguna Seca and where I live it is 19:12 (GMT +1), the game sets the time at 10:12 (GMT-8). I've noticed that track temperature is constant and corresponds to the one set up in the Session Settings. Can you make it dynamic? With some sort of approximation, i.e.: ambient temperature 10°C, if there is sun track temperature 15°C, if sun goes away track temperature 10°C, if raining track temperature 5°C. It may be useless: , don't lose time over this if it's still like that. Oh, you've already answered this in post #31.
There is no time setter in the Plugin interface, I´m afraid. Those are fixed server Settings Track temp was often discussed allready. Whatever you read there as number (and by changing Server Scripting temps you can get differnt numbers than 29°C), afaik it has no effects. The sim will go with 29°C internally. RF2 does not calculate any dynamic track temp by evaluating sun pos, ambient temp, wind, whatever, afaik because many car models would not work anymore well due to lacks in the tire models (not sure About exact reasons however). There is also no Plugin interface to set track temp manually. Actually because you wondered About altitude - In future If you set altitude and Maybe could set Cloud layers also (like Standard in flightsims since decades btw) this would offer quite a lot of Options.. entering and leaving Cloud layers for example. Imaging you do hill climb and start in rain and reach sun on top, great... also if we could set rel humidity, by calculating dewpoint RF2 could calculate fog (starting in different altitude layers, Nordschleife...). There are a lot of Things rf2 could do to make it even more real.
I have never tested it, but i would say that it don't matters in which mas file the gdb file is. I guess normally it is in the layout mas file(s), to get a better structure. And also the specific name ..._main.mas is not necessary.
Exact. It doesn't matter the name of the mas file or where are the files. You could put all the files in the same mas with the name that you want. But there is a "standard " structure that helps in moddev.
Which weather plugin should i use to follow the live weather from weather provider? Is it right that Wounderground stopped its service on Dec 31, 2018?
Using the DarkSky API and I can manually add in the Lon \ Lat and it works on my dedicated server. However, I wanted to populate the XML for tracks to save me doing this each time. I copied the XML file to %appdata%\Roaming\rF2WeatherPlugin. I thought I'd try the Save button to populate the XML, but I got the following error: ERROR AddGeoData: player empty So I'm missing something here for the Auto XML part? Running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter edition.
Just wondering if its possible to get some sort of tutorial / video on how to set this up please? I tried but had issue's booting up servers. Thx in advance
End of Service for the Weather Underground API Hello, finally, the service is gone. Two days ago all the weather server at gamer-hosting stop working for our customers https://apicommunity.wunderground.c...nd-of-service-for-the-weather-underground-api