Thanks for the detailled explanation ! Just for clarification, we had a 30% probability of rain which gave (sometimes) a 20% of rain on rF2. Following your explanation, everything seems to work as expected.
1.5 months late. "forecast API calls were added in case clouds roll in/out is used, quering every 10 minutes which counts for additional 144 calls a day." Is from the ReadMe for the RealWeather App. 480+144 = 624. Is that a possible thing? Though, I also use the 500 plan, and use the clouds in/out and have no issues with limits (usually. It sometimes happens seemingly at random!)
Would be nice to be able to use nearest airport weather data. Those are freely, public and unlimited access. Do track files contain a GPS location?
But they are not always correct. Thats why you can override them. For serious events I recommend to check whether track coordinates are ok.
I uploaded V1.15 and changed openweathermap api to use their "onecall" api, which is more powerful and more exact. Unfortunatly I have not found yet a owm rain radar which is "now" realtime to compare 1:1 You can also set the polltime for your api >= 3min
What a coincidence. The offical owm maps changed from 30-40min delay to realtime down to at least 10-20min. Still a lot but much better for practcal usage.
Hey guys. I succesfully set all that is needed for plugin to work, I see in the app that weather and track is read from my api (openweathermap), plugin is enabled in rf2 also. But what weather type I have to choose before start of the event, default or scripted??? Also how do I know that plugin actually works? Thanks for the great plugin
If I remember rightly it doesn't matter what you put it on it overrides it. You'll know it's working by looking at the forecast & comparing it with the game at the track.
Weather Type = scripted Start the server and then the "RF2WeatherClient" when the circuit data appears at the top right the plugin should be running
Thanks for fast responses. Yeah I noticed at Lime Rock that Crew chief said that track temp is zero but in game it was sunny and at around 30 degrees. Thanks for fast responses guys. Really appreciate
Hey All I have read this thread and can't figure out, how to make a weather API key on the New site they have maked Can anyone maybe help? Or are there other API key sites, i can use on the plugin. - Kristian
Darsky We are no longer accepting new signups. Openweather Climacell
Personally I have used Climacell ( since I started with this plugin, I think it works really well
I have been using Open Weathermap for a while.... but I am concerned something isn't triggering rain. I can see it looking at the realtime weather and rain is sometimes a 0.xx value but this still doesn't trigger rain to happen on the track. Anyone else encountered this?
@Woodee we use Openweathermap in our servers without problems with the rain Stupid question. Have you checked that the program isn't locking the rain with the Rain limit or Rain mod? I don't know what the Rain exp is.