VR Problem

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Mark Fuller, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    To save clogging up the VR thread, thought that I would post my issue here.

    I was quite fortunate in that I had very few problems running my Rift on my set up [i5 4690K OC'D to 4.2 GHZ, Asus Strix 980Ti, 16GB RAM]. Recently, problems have started to occur. I have had two issues - 1) The view will suddenly go black [at random times], but I can still hear the sound, before the Sim dumps me back to the multiplayer area. If I reboot, it usually works fine for a while. Time wise, this is a random occurrence and I suspect the video driver. 2) I can go into a server and everything works fine. I leave the computer for an hour or two [rF2 closed], but when I come back and log onto a server, whilst in the pits, it has long freezes and eventually chucks me out. If using the Oculus Tray Tool, the FPS drops right down and the headroom has shown as low as -193,789% during this.

    To try and rectify this, I have uninstalled the Nvidia driver [using the DDU program in 'Safe' Mode] and reinstalled a known stable driver - 391.35. I have removed and re-installed Steam VR and am in the process of removing and reinstalling the Oculus software.

    So, has any else experienced either of the above two situations and/or have any suggestions on further remedies? TIA
  2. albert39

    albert39 Registered

    Jan 30, 2014
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    If you have overclock the gpu, try to put less overclock
  3. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Thanks for your reply. However, it has been Oc'd for some time before the issues and 4.2 GHz is a stable point for this processor. Why would it be an issue now? I will try lowering if the problems persist after the action that I described above.
  4. albert39

    albert39 Registered

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Hi mate
    I am speaking about gpu not cpu, i thik the problem can be an OC higher in your 980ti
  5. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    @albert39 Sorry, didn't read your reply thoroughly enough :rolleyes:

    Have tried running it with and without MSI Afterburner and has happened in both scenarios o_O Have been out all day, so haven't had the chance to see if re-installing everything has had an effect.
  6. albert39

    albert39 Registered

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Clean all the conectors of vr with an special spray for conectors.
    Have a look that usb are allways conected and windows don't close them.
    Kelju_K likes this.
  7. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    could be a some power saving feature in your usb ports?
    but then again, i get that too sometimes, the black screen in hmd but sound ok.

    all the usb and hdmi related s**t that plagues the rift is well known.
    warnings of bad tracking constantly in different sensors in all of the usb 3.0 ports that i use:
    -fresco pci-e usb 3.0 expansion card (1 sensor)
    -intel usb 3.0 (1 sensor and HMD)
    -asmedia usb 3.0 (1 sensor)
    i have least trouble with them set up like this. i have tried all possible variations.
    you'd think that at least 1 of them should work with no errors but no. not even that 1 sensor in the the expansion card that was recommended by oculus. it does the same every now and then.
    all of them randomly give me warnings of bad tracking and i also get "connection lost in hdmi" warnings too and only for the rift, never for a monitor.
    all this makes me think: "ok, i bought 1st generation tech, shame on me..." but seriously, this is half ready product and we went for it for the wow effect. well now we wow how much crap we have to take to get THE wow effect:D

    on top of that. i've read that in time the hdmi connection losses become more and more frequent, and finally; no more working rift...
    untill then, im still happy with the s**t:)
  8. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Things came to a head yesterday when I couldn't play the sim at all - every time I got into the garage screen, it was freezing constantly.

    I removed and reinstalled the Nvidia driver [worked in the past], but still did it. Have already removed and reinstalled Oculus and SteamVR. I ran some stress tests on the CPU and GPU and everything seemed to be working fine, so decided that it was possiblly rF2 related. So, for the first time, I uninstalled rF2 and did a fresh install. Took a while [even with a fast internet] and eventually pressed the button and yes, it was still doing it. Felt sick at that point. However, as I exited the game, I saw again something that I had previously ignored. I run Bullguard as my AV and it uses a game booster. I had a message saying that it had successfully boosted rF2. So, I went into the settings and switched off the booster and tried again. Ran as smooth as silk! So, downloaded all my mods and tried again and still ran as smooth as silk.

    Switched the machine off last night and just about to switch on and hope that it is all still working. So, the lesson learnt is that something very simple can seriously affect the performance of rF2. The Booster had no effect on the running of Unigine Heaven [GPU benchmark]!!
    MarcG likes this.
  9. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Glad you got it working, I also turn off Windows 10 Game Mode, anything in the background even if it has good intentions.....just turn it off!
    Narrowbackwing and David Kolody like this.
  10. Nielsen

    Nielsen Registered

    Feb 29, 2016
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    Just an idea if you guys want to turn off all or some unnessesary services/apps.
    Back from my iRacing days I made a simple batch file using the command "NET STOP" <service/app name>
    Then before I start rFactor I just execute this batch file.
    After a Windows restart all these services is back to normal.
    Example of commands in my Netstop.bat

    NET STOP "AMD External Events Utility"
    NET STOP cisvc
    NET STOP FontCache3.0.0.0
    NET STOP ProtectedStorage
    NET STOP "BlaBlaBla" :)

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