Universal Pedal Overlay is an overlay script which displays controller input such as pedal & steering for racing game. The overlay is written in Autohotkey (AHK) scripting language. It requires game to be in windowed or borderless mode. It reads input directly from controller, is independent of any games. Video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av45391502 Features: Display Pedal Axis: Throttle, Brake, Clutch, Handbrake. Display Steering Bar, can be disabled. Reads input directly from device/controller, there is no lag. Very lightweight, one click and it's running. Requirements: This overlay script requires Autohotkey to be installed, it can be downloaded from Autohotkey official website: https://www.autohotkey.com/download/ How to use: Download and extract to a folder (including png images). Open Universal_Pedal_Overlay.ahk with text editor (such as notepad). You can also run the script now, but it might not display correctly without proper setting. Note: you may use this JoystickTest script to check device number and axis/button. Read instruction comments inside script carefully. Change device number (this may take a few try), and assign each Axis, etc. Save script, then double click script to run and check if everything works. If not, go back try another device number or Axis letter. You can reload script any time by running script again, or use hotkey "Win+Ctrl+Alt+R" to reload. To exit/close script, Right Click green H icon on system tray, or use hotkey "Win+Ctrl+Alt+X". Version 1.1.1 (2022-03-09) ---------------------------- - Added option to Show or Hide Steering bar (two scripts now merged into one). - Steering bar length, position dot, and edge size are adjustable.
Well done. Is it possible to run the game fullscreen and have the pedal overlay on a second monitor that's connected to the same computer?
Thanks @svictor Could you also create a wheelimage (.png) which rotates based on wheel input degrees?
That would be a great, if it is possible with AHK plugins. Also adding a FFB meter, and optionally remove clutch and hanbrake.