Surely Studio 397 will be looking at something - the amount of leagues that run it, it would be good to showcase what RF2 can do, especially on DX11?
Dear Gerald First. Thank you this awesoma tv plugin The download links not work. Can you pleas upload again? or other site? This plugin live stream work? Best Regards, Gabor (Hartge) Real Cars Real Racing Hungary
Somehow I did a google search to find the zip, but I can't seem to find the same page again. I have the zip for the plugin but it must be an older version. It still works with my rF2 fine. Since Gerald seems to be not replying, is it OK for me to post it on another download space, or here on these forums? I dont want to violate any rules.
We really need to get a hold of the source code for this amazing plugin, many leagues will be screwed after rF2 switches completely to DX11...
I just sent this message to Studio 397 via their contact module: Hi, First I want to thank Studio 397 for taking over the rF2 franchise, because it was basically dying and now it has new life and might still emerge as the top sim available at the moment. However, I am part of a couple of leagues being run on rF2, and it has come to my attention that the founder of the TV plugin that we *need* to stream broadcasts of races has abandoned the project, and not shared the source code. Fortunately, he left an almost entirely working plugin for us to use, but now another lem has come up in that the plugin is not compatible with DX11 (as Im sure some others also aren't). In the words of many, this will leave the rF2 community, and those running leagues on rF2, in a real dilemma and with no way to broadcast a TV-like overlay, it is possible that many will just make plans to run using one of your competitors games which still have functioning overlays. You can see the issue here: So I am suggesting that Studio 397 take a strong reaction to this by developing a plugin that replicates the core functionality of the TV overlay plugin, but that leaves the ability to mod it open. In other words, give us the core functionality and we can mod/skin the rest. This would be a HERO move by 397, and solidify your connection to established leagues and sim racing forums, and show you are listening to their problems. I also probably don't need to remind you that league races are streamed to many over the internet and may be the #1 way that gamers find their way to rF2, if not at least the "convincing" factor that gets them to make a purchase. Leagues may be the single best PR thing rF2 has going right now, and with your move to DX11, this could majorly disrupt usage of rF2 with leagues. Thank you for considering this. Trevor Greenfield
Does anyone else have an issue where the timing in the scrolling banner goes all wacky, eg the gaps between drivers are not stable and go from. 1 second to 34 and all over the place. I want to know if anyone else has this problem or it's something I have done wrong?
I'm still having issues with the console sending commands to the game. Sometimes, I have to hit the respective command button (i.e. tower cycle) many times before it will respond. Other times, I can't get it at all. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm running the console on the same machine as the game. Is there a way to toggle on/off the tower using a hotkey? Here is the overlay work I am doing. I'm also trying to get the manufacturer's logo to show w/ each driver. This is a test with the IndyCars.
Ok, my fault. i think its important to mark @Marcel Offermans here, due to the importance of this plugin for the whole community. Unfortunately we don't have the source code, and Gerald doesn't seem to be interested anymore.
Hello, I'm currently testing the GrtvPlugin that I find excellent all works well except categories that do not appear Not in scrolling and TOW. I use the GT profile in multi-category with the Mod Endurance Series. I test the console locally and in network, It works perfectly I have browsed the forum trying to execute the examples but I still can not manage the categories What solutions for those problem
Would anyone know of a solution to this? The scrolling banner timing gaps between drivers. The timing gaps are very whacky and all over the place. They change to a 1 second gap, to a 50 second gap and everything in between. This problem also happens with the timing gaps when they cross the start/finish line. This happens at every track and with every car. I have tested this with older builds of rfactor, and have uninstalled and installed the plugin again, but with no success. This happened all of a sudden and I've got no idea what the issue is.
I'm having an issue with the replay function from the console. Maybe it's track specific? At the Mid Ohio road course, I've noticed the replay will not start at the appropriate time (e.g. 6 seconds before, as is the default). It does give me the replay graphic after cuing the replay to start, but stays at the current time. The replay in the game is turned on. I've not changed anything from the previous track. Any ideas?