I run the HDMI port aswell, it has been very stable and I have no blinking screen like I had when it was hooked up to the display port, I just lost my ability to run 120hz.
Well...I did buy a HDMI/DVI cable, now I had tried it on the ATI card. It would not light all 3 monitors..You could run either 2 DVI or 1 DVI and the HDMI...but not all 3.. I read almost all I could find on the net..but still could not get it to configure. So you guys are saying, that 2 x DVI and 1 HDMI should work with the ATI card then? I wonder what the devil I am doing wrong. The Nvida card has a HDMI port also. Dave
No, for triple screen with AMD you must connect at least one monitor to the DisplayPort. You can use one of those recommended adapters to connect a DVI monitor.
Thank-you Armando... That is what I thought. Now I have the link for the AMD/ATI compatible devices, this will work great... Thanks to all...I appreciate the responses. Dave
One last question... what resolution could some suggest for 3 x 27 inch LG E2742 monitors? Go big or go home?... re: 2560x1600 1920x1200 4096x2160 or be practical Dave
Suck it and see Dave, give it all to start and if the system is struggling at your preferred settings drop back one.
OK...will give it a go...Thanks all for the help.. I looked at it so much..nothing made sense... and I know!..we have all done that.. Thanks again.. I will pick-up what I need Friday when I head into the BIG city for a dentist appointment.. Dave
Why use hdmi and dvi, use displaport and dvi. Hdmi is inferior to dvi (dual link) and displayport as hdmi cannot do higher than 1920x1080 (per screen) and cannot do higher than 60hz. Why even bother, just use dvi and displayport.
When I use the display port for my third screen I used the active adapter but the screen (on the displayport adapter) would blink randomly and sometimes not even turn back on without exiting the game or physically taking the usb plug out than in again to reset it, this was with two different adapters and on ATI and Nvidia cards. If anyone has any recommendations to cure this because I know this is an issue with many others, please enlighten me because I would love to go back to 120hz although I currently can't get 120fps without lowering my settings.
Seems quite a lot of adapters for DP to DVI were a bit faulty especially early ones, also display port cables themselves. I got some 144hz monitors today and the one connected to the displayport flickers a bit and sometimes goes blank for a second This is using a displayport to displayport lead that I got from Maplin. I have purchased a startech displayport to dvi lead that is supposed to work. I'll let you know if it does. The displayport lead was fine on my previous monitors at 75hz as was the hdmi lead bizzarrely as they are only supposed to be good for 60hz.
What is a displayport "lead"? Is "lead" another word for "cable"? I have 3 displaport 1.2 cables running straight from the back of my matrix 7970 to my 3 1920x1080 @ 120 Hz monitors, never had an issue. I bought the exact same model numbers listed on AMD's site.
Oops, I meant official recognized displayport cable according to displayport themselves, not AMD. - http://www.displayport.org/products-database/ I got this model in black and 2 meters. http://www.accellcables.com/B142C.html. I bought 3 of them from Amazon, around $15 or so. Never had a problem with them. Parts of the cable on 2 of the cables were stuck together when I opened them, was really weird. When I separated them there was a slight tear as if part of the rubber in the cable had a little chunk torn out in a few spots along the cable. I was about to loose it after paying over $45 for 3 cables, I was steaming. I was worried about shielding and how cables arent supposed to have any slits, or cuts and all that, but I didnt want to deal with returning and mailing and waiting for the new ones and all as I also picked up my 3 Asus VG248QE monitors that day and there was no way I was going to wait another week or longer for the return and all that. To this day, not the slightest problem with the cables.
That's what I'm saying really, the cable or adapter not being up to specification is what makes the monitors blink. When displayport first came out there weren't many displays that went over 100hz, older leads and adapters (like mine) weren't able to cope with 100+ hz. This is pure conjecture though. Plus older gpus didn't output displayport ++ signal so they needed active adapters (is what I have read). Don't understand it, just trying to offer a solution to the other guy in the thread who had "blinky monitor syndrome"
Wajdi I have also SLI and tripple screen and normaly I can catch smooth 60 FPS of course I have to reduce some settings as anistropic to for example to 2 x track details and shadows often to high insteed of full shadow blur to fast or off. ATM I've set AA between 4 and 6 with the rF2 config tool. It is as always track and mod depending. This 5 FPS issue is gone since I set the SLI compatibility bit to 0x I know this stuff is not easy but there are many good threads in this forum about this topic and they helped me a lot to find good working settings. You can see my system specs in my profile.
I have a single HD7950 AND I'm thinking to buy another one, but I'm waiting for more support from ISI to SLI!