Triple Monitor Support, Bezel Management, etc.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ben Ross, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Ben Ross

    Ben Ross Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    I was wondering if for rFactor2 there will be a more advanced in-game support for triple monitor setups.

    iRacing has done some great stuff to make triple monitors work in such a way that you get no distortion if you take the time to set things up properly.

    It would be geat if rFactor could follow suit so that you don't get distortion on the side screens regardless of the FOV you choose.

    Any insight would be appreciated. Really looking forward to the next addition - I continue to have a blast with rFactor each time I step into the virtual cockpit.
  2. ZeosPantera

    ZeosPantera Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I absolutely agree they need bezel management like iracing. But a triple-head view setup could be just some very simple measurements and telling rf2 the aspect ratios of your displays. instead of iracing making you measure horizontally across all three screens and then again without the bezels.

    The measuring bits of my FOV tutorial take care of half the work (See Link in Sig). Since rfactor uses Vertical fov it locks in a set height and then the width of your triplehead is almost unimportant. You would just need to know monitor screen height, distance from monitor and bezel width. Then just giving it things like 4:3|4:3|4:3 or 4:3|16:10|4:3 or 16:9|4:3|16:9 or 16:10|16:10|16:10 should straiten everything right out.
  3. Rantam

    Rantam Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Well, I've both rF and iRacing, and after been using it for years i don't have any complain about how rF handles Matrox TH2Go or widescreen formats. I've to add though that I never use bezel management (I see more downsides than upsides about using it).

  4. Ben Ross

    Ben Ross Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Yep, everyone definitely has their preference. I just am comparing what I see on youtube from the different setups people have and am most impressed with what I see in videos from iRacing. It just seems to give more of a feeling of being 'in' the car as opposed to just making the viewing wider.

    This video for example, the sides of the car feel like they come back past the driver as opposed to just stretching out to the sides like you see in vids from other games -

    Again, this could just be the settings different people have, where there are more from iRacing that are setup better than others but that was why I asked.

    I plan to get a triple head setup very soon but do most of my driving in rFactor so I want to make sure it looks as good if not better in there, so I am not limited to just iRacing.

    Does anyone have suggestions against going with Eyefinity vs. TH2GO? Obviously keeping cost low would be great but if money wasn't an issue between these two setups, what is thought to be the best setup?

  5. Marek Lesniak

    Marek Lesniak Car Team Staff Member

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Because it has FOV with natural perspective. That's all.

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