I enjoy racing the Indy dallara at Iowa oval from steam (about 103/104 % AI-strength) until AI crash each other while pitting. maybe wrong AIW pitlane-path or how you call it!? new St Pete 24 & Belle Isle work awesome.
Had a go at redoing GoldCoast.. AI are not perfect on starts but better than they were https://www.mediafire.com/file/5i4p4aeijiksf41/GoldCoast24.rfcmp/file
is there an updated aiw for this version of gateway? the ai always brake at starts and also when a car is coming out of the pits https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2110268385
This nice track/oval deserves actually an AIW update too, as AI slow down on start/finish- line while racing: Las Vegas Motor Speedway from Tchachalowski Oficial from steam.
Had a test on this update with the FVR 2019 mod, cars are having huge pileups on the back chicane... could you have anther look, they seem to not turn into the first part of the back chicane and hit the first orange strip on right getting airborne and causing a huge pile up!
Newb question. Is it fine using this without changes to AIW files? Not familiar with editing AIW files. TY
The Studio changed AIs behavior after these settings were recommended, so I think they don´t work as Mark intented when he shared them. You can anyway meddle with them (with a backup json file just in case) to see how they affect the AI, I find that trial and error process really interesting.
Hi everyone, tried to change AIW like I saw in the video #31, but doesn't work unfortunately. If I open a mas file, it seems like it's empty. Is there a new method to do that?
Seem all mas Files that you open being empty? That sounds strange, because even DLC mas Files, that contain the AIW File can be opened, because they are usually not encrypted. Are you sure that you try to open the correct mas File? Can you give an Example?
I put both Cleveland fixes for xfinish and the cars not getting out of the paddock in one update. Delete all patches and update from the Workshop item. I want to fix a couple of things of the AIW itself but didn´t do that yet. As always thanks for your help @Corti https://mega.nz/file/yVBUgLAY#z3vx9lJi5C0YxGZGton4mmHHlmugoEIadYrMt1j0ius
@Tibor Sólyom Here is a Screenshot and a zip of the extracted Files (Download) of the opened layoutPortland.mas File, so you can see that it's not empty. Try this: Go to the Folder ..\rFactor 2\Support\Tools, rightclick on the File MAS2.exe, select "Run as an Administrator" and try again to open the layoutPortland.mas File for Example. Does that work?
Re Adelaide 2023 I uninstalled all Adelaide’s (local and steam) I then download and install says its version 1.7 https://www.mediafire.com/file/z4fatx5fxlpgnle/Adelaide23.rfcmp/file I then add the fuel fix in the signature section and when in game it displays as 1.51 with no base mod so I can’t install it. Not sure what’s going on… Edit: does the full version link include the fuel fix and the speed limit fix as I noticed it was 40kph. My theory is that I don’t need the aiw fix as it’s included?
Oh yes, I don't even need to run it as Admin. It seems i downloaded a wrong MAS file utility. Thank you!