@Manfredk2 @Craigbowie I think i've found the Problem and did write a Bug Report already. I fear that it is a broken Fuel Use Calculation in the Games Code. I could set the FuelUse Value lower in the Bathurst AIW, to fix the Problem with the not timed AI Quali Laps, but it would cause a totally bad Calculation of the Fuel use "Forecast", so it makes no Sense. It should be fixed by S397.
@redapg good work The fuel calculation was indeed completly wrong. There was a value of around 130.000 in the AIW, correct value is around 83.000. So with this new value all of my 19 cars set a qualifying time. AIW with correct value for testing: https://mega.nz/file/H0FGCTID#8rtU0LAB34C41T7jm2pj1uuly8WTQliHnl1T4JmyNoM
just did a test with different cars (Porsche Cup, Stockcar 2018, GT3). All cars that left the garages set a qualifying time. There were 1-3 cars that did not leave the garages. edit: at least in devmode all cars leave the garages and do a qualifying lap when qualifying time is 20 min or more. With 15 min 2 cars did not leave the garages
I did compare it with the Silverstone National (S397), where the FuelUse should have been made with the Skip Barber, i get a calculated Value of ~ 78000, so 83000 is good too. But there is definitely something wrong in the Calculation somewhere. As i have written in a new Post in my Bug Report, you can see that for the Silverstone National Layout, with a raised AIW Fuel Use Value (~x4), the Fuel use Forecast in the Menu says that it is good for 10 Laps and the Quali Laps are limited to 3. So why do the AI Cars only an Out Lap in the Quali Session? They all end up with 1/3 Laps and, of course, no Lap Time.
Seems that this is a bit "unstable" Time for AI related Things, as long as S397 is working at their Code. Do you want to change something more at the MOUNTPANORAMA.AIW? If not, i will do some small Editing to, at least, smooth the Pit Entry (maybe also the Exit, i haven't checked it yet) Line a bit and package a new Update rfcmp then.
Actually i have some other projects to do. Beside the wrong cut corridors on some parts of the track, i would have a look at some waypoints at the Esses/Skyline and also ForrestĀ“s elbow. Last time i drove there I saw some 992 Cup Porsches hit the wall, being to fast. Issue seems to be manually edited waypoint speeds.
I think i will make a complete new AIW. I also have seen my DevMode Test-Car touching the inner Walls in some Corners and there are some other Things, like the unsmoothed Pit Entry Line or the Pit Waypont Path crossing the main Waypoint Path at Pit Exit. Maybe i can improve some Things.
I've put that on my "maybe" todo List. I will wait until the ongoing Work, to fix AI Problems, is finished. And then i probably will need some Support from @Manfredk2 or @atomed, to get the AI being fast. I'm a bit rusty with doing that.
Sure My way of recording fastest lines is to do a practice session and then look in which sectors i was fastest. Then record these laps via the resume function and copy the fast parts of each lap to the fastest line. So there is no need to do a perfect lap.
Kyalami 2016 updated with some corridor adjustments, a bit of path tuning for the esses and new fuel calculation. Knockhill just repacked to fit the latest version of the track, nothing else.
Have you contacted Lasercutter for him to incorporate your AIW in his Knockhill straight from the workshop?
I just told him via his workshop article post but it got deleted, maybe a spam filter. Do you know his username here?
Hey there! I posted on the comments of.the track but got.spam filtered. I did a little tuning on the turn before the backstraight.Here it is, in case you like it.feel free to use it: https://mega.nz/file/ndgAEIaC#-vL3vG0BmTrJ2n8ACD2BmxtJfcwb_J67Ovn3qqNiQUE I think I can also gain some time in the last turn, I'll try tomorrow