Thrustmaster T300 torque output?

Discussion in 'Hardware Building/Buying/Usage Advice' started by CamiloNino, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. CamiloNino

    CamiloNino Registered

    Apr 5, 2017
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    I would like to find out what is the actual torque output of a T300 wheel.

    For example a DD wheel that uses the small Mige motor is rated at 20 Newton Meters of torque, which is roughly 16kg force (35 pounds) at the edge of the standard 28cm (11 inches) wheel :eek::eek:

    I know a T300 would be much lower than that, but by how much?

    Some googling has led me to the motor spec (apparently B4260m-s03), and the peak torque seems to be between 265 and 344 mNm. But I still need the amplification ratio of the belt system to know the actual output at the shaft.

    I don't really want to tear down the wheel to find out, so anyone knows the belt ratio? or the actual torque output?

    Any info would be appreciated.
  2. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I will find out the real number later when I get chance,but from memory it's around 3.6nm

    Edit it's 3.9nm and the t500 is 4nm
    CamiloNino likes this.
  3. SimonJ

    SimonJ Registered

    Dec 24, 2013
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    • found this online may hep 3Nm to 4Nm ish i think
    • Logitech DFGT: less than 2.5 Nm
    • Logitech G25: 2.5 Nm
    • Logitech G27: 2.3 Nm
    • Logitech G29: 2.1 Nm - not a retail release version of wheel
    • Logitech G920 2.2 Nm
    • Fanatech GT3 v2: 2.6 Nm
    • Thrustmaster Tx: 3.9 Nm
    • Thrustmaster T500: 4.4 Nm
    • Fanatec CSW v1: 4.8 Nm
    • Fanatec CSW v2: 7.1 Nm
    • Accuforce: 8 Nm to 13 Nm depending on mode settings in the driver
    • OSW: 10 Nm to 20 Nm depending on the motor
    • Bodnar: rumored to be 16 Nm, they also have multiple motor options
    dadaboomda, Ernie, GrimDad and 5 others like this.
  4. CamiloNino

    CamiloNino Registered

    Apr 5, 2017
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  5. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Wow i thought Accuforce was higher. I think OSW will be my DD wheel of choice then. Kinda thought AccuForce was at the top or at least similar. Of course there is nothing wrong with 13Nm and they are good wheels.
  6. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I've used an osw af and bodnor v2,I haven't owned them but have tried them multiple times,my friends each own one.

    I've decided to stick with my t300 for now,as I just can't justify the cost for the performance and detail gained with a dd wheel,I'm saving for better pedals than my v3s,but my favourite dd wheel was the AF,because of simcommander,you can actually add effects or tweak existing ones to your liking,the other just gave me the exact same information as my t300 does,all be it slightly fast but much more stronger,an I was no more faster or consistent.

    This was tried with iracing tho,and as I find their ffb lacking that's probably the reason why I liked the AF more,because I could add information and actually tell what the front tyres were doing.

    It maybe different with rf2,but my t300 in rf2 still gives me everything any dd wheel can,just a bit slower and a weaker,I'm not a fan of stronger means better,nor do I agree stronger means more detail.
    Alex72 likes this.
  7. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Cool cheers for the info. Im about to get a T300 possibly very soon. Was thinking of mixing them with some fanatec pedals and maybe a SHH shifter cause they are affordable and decent.
  8. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    That would be a very good setup that would last you years,just don't go for the v3 pedals,they are inferior in every way to the csl loadcel set,which are cheaper too,they learned all the mistakes they made with the v3 and made the csl elite loadcel set.
    Alex72 likes this.
  9. RickyTerzis

    RickyTerzis Registered

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Hi...i am a new user here. In my case I would like to use DD wheel. Kinda thought AccuForce was at the top or at least similar. Of course there is nothing wrong with 13Nm and they are good wheels.

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