The Rookie League : Megane '13 | Sundays

Discussion in 'Online Racing Discussion' started by SRGP, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
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    The Rookie League is a special series, intended to mix SimRacing new comers with seasoned Drivers. We aim to provide friendly competition and learning at the same time. To enhance the experience, the Drivers are competing in two (or three !) Divisions, according to their experience & performance.
    This TRL-Megane series is running alternatively with the TRL-USF17 series, so that we can spend two weeks on the same tracks.

    1 Fun Race + 7 Rounds for each Divisions, every other Sundays, from 14 January to 21 April
    Check your local time on the website by selecting your TimeZone (top-right corner).

    Pract: 60 min. @18:30 UTC
    Qual.: 2 consecutive laps @19:30 UTC
    Warmup: 5 min.
    Race : 45 min. @19:45 UTC

    T1 : Sunday 14 January, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Lausitzring
    #1 : Sunday 28 January, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Dubai
    #2 : Sunday 11 February, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Jerez
    #3 : Sunday 25 February, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Hockenheim
    #4 : Sunday 10 March, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Buenos Aires
    #5 : Sunday 24 March, 20:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Melbourne
    #6 : Sunday 7 April, 19:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Fuji
    #7 : Sunday 21 April, 19:30 (UTC) > Megane '13 @ Patras

    Drivers Championship
    Each Division will crown its Champion. The Position Points will be awarded following a 1 Pt increment ladder : 30,29,28,... In addition, 1 Bonus Point is credited to every Driver completing at least 5 Race Laps, and 1 Bonus Point awarded after Race Review to the Drivers respecting the track limits.
    The worst Round result (in Points) for each Driver will be taken out, which covers one missed Round.
    The last Round being an endurance race, 2 Bonus Points is credited to all the race Finishers.

    Teams Championship
    Each Division runs its own Teams Championship. For each Round, a Team scores the sum of its best 2 participating Drivers Points. To be able to clinch both trophies, Teams are encouraged to be formed by Drivers from both Divisions ;)
    The rF2 SkinTransfer feature is enabled, so you are welcome to show your Team colors !

    Join us & Share some fun :)
  2. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
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    Megane '13 @ Dubai
    Round 1 in the Desert !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Dubai - International
    Sunday 28 January, 19:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > Passworded on Raceday !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)
  3. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
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    Megane '13 @ Jerez
    Round 2 in Spain !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Jerez - No Chicane
    Sunday 11 February, 19:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > Passworded on Raceday !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)
  4. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Megane '13 @ Hockenheim
    Round 3 in Germany !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Jerez - No Chicane
    Sunday 25 February, 19:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > Passworded on Raceday !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)
  5. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Megane '13 @ Buenos Aires
    Round 4 in Argentina !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Buenos Aires - N° 6
    Sunday 10 March, 19:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > No password !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)
  6. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Megane '13 @ Melbourne
    Round 5 in Australia !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Melbourne
    Sunday 24 March, 19:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > No password !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)
  7. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Megane '13 @ Fuji
    Round 6 in Japan !

    Megane Trophy '13 @ Fuji
    Sunday 7 April, 18:30 UTC
    / 19:30 London / 20:30 EU West / 14:30 US East / 11:30 US West
    check your local time on the website
    18:30 > Pract: 60 Minutes
    19:30 > Qual : 2 Timed Laps
    19:45 > Race : 45 Minutes
    > Server : "SimRacing-GP.net_TRL-Megane" > No password !
    Files links available on the website.

    Have fun & Bring in some Friends :)

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