The best F1 Ferrari? Also with the rFPro support

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by velocipede, May 24, 2017.

  1. velocipede

    velocipede Registered

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Un titolo come quello di questo articolo, nel 2017, non deve ormai più lasciare perplessi. Sappiamo bene ormai dell'importanza e dell'efficacia dei moderni simulatori di guida, che, nei casi dei modelli professionali e all'avanguardia utilizzati dalle scuderie di Formula 1, sono spesso in grado di fare la differenza, persino in fase di progettazione e successivo testing delle nuove monoposto.
    E' quanto conferma Pat Fry, capo tecnico della Scuderia Ferrari, in una recente intervista: se oggi abbiamo in pista una Ferrari SF70H vincente, oltre che per il lavoro di ristrutturazione della squadra, lo sviluppo di novità in galleria del vento e modifiche organizzative in ruoli strategici, il merito è anche del nuovo simulatore di guida basato sul software rFactor Pro implementato alla fine del 2014, inizio 2015, come vi avevamo a suo tempo segnalato.
    Il commento di Fry: "These days, F1 is a battle which is won in simulation, Ferrari's simulation tools were years behind and that was a five-year project to fix. At the beginning of last year, the simulator tools were getting to where they should have been".

    A title like that of this article in 2017 must no longer be perplexed. We are well aware of the importance and effectiveness of modern driving simulators, which, in the case of the professional and avant-garde models used by Formula 1 races, are often able to make a difference, even at design stage and later Testing of new cars.
    This is what Pat Fry, technical manager of Scuderia Ferrari confirms, in a recent interview: if we are today on the track a successful Ferrari SF70H, as well as for the team's restructuring work, the development of wind tunnel innovations and organizational changes in Strategic roles, the merit is also the new rFactor Pro software simulator implemented at the end of 2014, beginning of 2015, as we had in the meantime reported.
    Fry's comment:"These days, F1 is a battle which is won in simulation, Ferrari's simulation tools were years behind and that was a five-year project to fix. At the beginning of last year, the simulator tools were getting to where they should have been".

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