I turn to you again to see if I can solve a problem that sometimes occurs in my circuits and I can't find a way to solve it. In this case are some tires that according to the point of view momentarily darkens. I've tried changing the normals to up, smooth, etc. The shader applied is L2IBLSTANDARD
On several objects, and I've seen it happen when the object is shaded by other object (the same thing happens in pit).
I just have seen that you use the Reflectedenv Mapper in the Material. What happens when you remove that? And do you have the Static01 and Revmap0 Reflection Mappers defined in your scn? EDIT Typo Alert, it's REFMAP0 and not REVMAP0
No Problem, i have to leave now. If it doesn't change anything, would you mind to upload the Mesh, the used Textures, the Material JSON and the SCN Entry for it here?
maybe use an AOS map instead of spec map.I saw a similar problem at the Bilster track where some objects become dark this way. I use this for making AOS maps https://boundingboxsoftware.com/materialize/
Thanks for your answers. The objects seem to be fine because if I change the shader from L2IBLSTANDARD to L2DIFFUSET0 the problem disappears. I have checked the ReflectionMapper and the shaders because when I changed the mapper I got this message: The thing is that by changing the shader of a particular texture I have managed to make the unwanted effect disappear. I do not know very well what I have done, I hope to discover it and to be able to give my solution to this subject.
One of the things I have changed is this line in the SCN AmbientColor=(100, 109, 136) //Lighting color for shadows Now I try changing it to see if this is the solution (Edit) It's not the solution, I don't know what the hell I did to make it work, haha.
The conclusion I have is that the JSON of the shader must be corrupted somehow. As I create the first one and then load and modify it in the other materials it is possible that the initial one was wrong and propagated the error to the other objects. Thanks for your interest. This is the final shader working.
Thanks @DJCruicky It's the sample of what can be done with old circuits thanks to rFactor tools. A little bit of will and a lot of time produce decent results.
Thanks @Normark . Maybe later I will publish it. At the moment it is being edited and then it will be available for drivers of the Karting Season of my group (L3C drivers always have priority). In a few days I plan to put for public download in my Discord a circuit of the Circuitos Jíbaros Series (reduced to kart scale circuits). When I do it I will publish it in this forum too.
Well, after more than 40 circuits I still don't understand how to solve this festival of lights and shadows. I have the ReflectionMapper, DDS textures (most of them in BC7), new shaders, probes... In the GDB I have these lines (I don't know if they are correct) SkyBlendSunAngles=(-20.5, -1.0, 11.5, 25.5) ShadowMinSunAngle=15 ShadowMinDiffusion=-0.6 ShadowMaxDiffusion=0.2 ShadowSplitRatio=1.0 NightLightThreshold=0.5 SunApeture=0.06 AirPollution=(0.250) NightLightPollution=(1.0) NightLightThreshold=0.5 HazeBaseScale=(1.0) HazeCloudyScale=(1.0) HazeStormScale=(1.0) HazeDawnScale=(1.0) I am not able to understand what causes this annoying effect that occurs in some circuits. S.O.S
I cant say if it will fix your problem but: In the latest tracks these lines dont appear: so remove them SkyBlendSunAngles=(-20.5, -1.0, 11.5, 25.5) ShadowMinSunAngle=15 ShadowMinDiffusion=-0.6 ShadowMaxDiffusion=0.2 ShadowSplitRatio=1.0 NightLightThreshold=0.5 SunApeture=0.06 The following haze/pollution(just an example Thruxton ) is used so add just this AirPollution=0.45 NightLightPollution=5.0 HazeBaseScale=3.5 HazeCloudyScale=1.2 HazeStormScale=1.0 HazeDawnScale=0.5
I will try Phil, thanks. I have also tried to correct it by changing the normals of the objects, without success.