Hi. Is it possible to get a higher data rate of the telemetry data (think it is 60hz default)? If yes how? Best regards Erling
Thanks Lazza. I would like: As fast as the graphic engine Can't get it past 50Hz: https://github.com/TheIronWolfModding/rF2SharedMemoryMapPlugin How can one get it to 100hz?
I'm not sure why The Iron Wolf has said (and he has a few times) that the data is only at 50Hz. His plugin updates at 50Hz because of it. To get the full data rate you need to make your own plugin, unless that one gets updated with full rate data.
True I think 400Hz would be good, and should be easy enough to do since that's what the physics comes down to for the FFB. Assuming making it available at the higher rate wouldn't in itself cause any performance issues, and then we'd have to be careful on how we access it to avoid causing more slowdowns. But would be good indeed. @Erling Hugosson I should mention that tying to graphics rate isn't a great idea - rF1 did that until the FPS reached 90fps. Made writing a motec plugin a bit more challenging because interpolation was required. rF2 is nicely constant. @Erling Hugosson actually, to explain a little more: rF1 the physics rate also dropped with FPS below 90. rF2 the physics rate is constant, which is a much better idea. It does mean the game actually goes into slow motion if your CPU can't keep up, which is a bit annoying, but the physics runs internally at 2400Hz at all times which is a very good thing for tyre interactions, suspension movement and stability. So from there, trying to sync it to framerate would be pretty messy. But 400Hz would be great for those suspension nuts out there.
Ok Lazza, wrote a little plugin that also measure the data rate... seems to be a limitation within the game at 100hz (just as you said). Agreed 400hz should do it, with the more and more detailed road surface of the tracks and more running motion systems faster data is better And a stable at data rate is also good as you explained. Any known work arounds to get higher hz?