i have padels shiftings and i go try formula 3.5 2014, and when i push shift down and shift up at same time, automatic the gear N enter in action. In my older Fanatec this problem not appear.
I'm guessing you're using the default T500 RS profile, if so then you need to edit your controller.ini in your userdata\player folder to this:- Alternate Neutral Activation="0" That setting will stick as long as you don't load a different profile, if you're trying out different stuff it might be an idea to save it as a preset (use a different filename) which will get saved to the userdata\controller folder along with the other default wheel presets.
Very nice MJP. I can try this option later, but i now modified the setting. In my file T500mod.ini i put Alternate Neutral Activation="0" // whether to select neutral if shift up & shift down are pressed simultaneously Thanks.
I don't get what you mean, you've done what I suggested and it works! (we need a scratching head smiley)