Just driven this using the new automation HDR thingy. Looks very impressive indeed. Visually this is one of the best tracks out there.
I'll probably add a 2014 version once the V8 weekend has run here but other than that i have nothing planned at this moment. Been a bit lazy the last few months to be honest. Hardly done anything track wise.
This is my favourite track in RF2. Along with Croft this is one of the best mods available! I'm a newbie to the sim-racing world having come from a console and I have to say RF2 is head and shoulders above everything out there; I've got AC, tried iRacing, but for me - nothing gets close to RF2!
Thanks so much for such wonderful work. Any chance, in the next release we can get different names for the layouts? Currently, every layout is LOCATIONS\SYMMONSPLAINSRACEWAY\0.95BETA\TASMANIA365 in my CCH.
thank you what a great track looks as good as the top ones and races great especially with the lolas!! cheers good work!
Thank you for this track, very nice! Was v1.0 ever released or is it still v0.95Beta as posted on pg.1?
yes very beautiful track .... does any1 else get shuttering threw the wheel it could be the mods I use, but it seems very bumpy with constant shutter on the wheel
Yeah thats what i do too coops still doesnt get rid of it all, just trying to figure out whether its a mod/track/user issue, Ive raced meganes here and i don't think it happened no matter what its a stunning track!
The AI in the Pits are borked with the latest Build930, half of them can't leave their Garage, they just slide to the door and stop. Anyone else experiencing this with the Clios? thanks
I get it too. They try turning right to get into traffic before they're out of the garage so they just end up getting stuck.