ffs intel just drop it your stooping to a lower level ............. As for the track What ... nice work the wall fixes will make for great racing now .... although the edges in the terrain that comes of the back of the ripple at each end of the ripple in areas could be trouble havent tested it but seeing them made me think that cars would launch of them back onto the race line and it would look even tidier ;0
Amazing work! And RIP Sean Edwards. What a fine little tribute. Just had a blast of a race offline with the Meganes. The track is beautiful and now also somehow smoother. Don't know if I'm just imagining the smoothness?
Haven't tested it yet but sure am anxious to. My prospected weekend of racing goodness fizzled into a complete mess but this is a bright spot and I can't wait to try it out. Thanks for updating this.
Well I finally did get around to put a few laps in. Great work with the updates. Loving it. This track gives more FFB nuances than most. Love this track. Great work with the update, it's definitely league ready.
Great effort Buddy, I myself know how difficult it can be to create a track of this caliber. Well done
Just did some more laps at this amazing track. WHAT21A is definitely in the feels3 league with this one!! Still getting the flickering overhead banners, though. Hope they can be fixed by 1.0 as they are the only reminder one is in an electronic world/environment. The rest of the textures and lighting are fantastic.
The shared node my website is hosted on has been "hacked/destroyed" according to my web host (a friend of mine hosts it for free for me), So its going to be down for a while. Which means the in game download of the track will not function and my website is down until further notice. I'll get some replacement mirrors set up overnight so it can still be downloaded manually.
What21a, feel free to drop me a msg as i'll happily put online a mirror for you on a UK server. (Just noticed your from up the road as well (nr Reading here).
Thanks for the offer, my web host worked his magic and everything backup just like nothing ever happened.
Just wanted to say thanks. I managed to get a few laps around here on your server today with the Clio. Great track and great fun with the Clio. Thanks for the contribution and I look forward to hours more fun on this track.