GT300s coming is good news, really under represented class Just looking through, I noticed a lot of the cars have the wrong drivers in them, and also the #24 Woodone Zs are in the 2005 class when you try to select them, instead of 2006
So just did a 250K long race with the AI and noticed a few things The pit stops take waaaaaaay too long, one pit stop basically cost 2 laps of Fuji (more minor thing is the cars should be jacked 4 wheels at a time, it currently only does 2 wheels), this caused the AI the pitted earlier to be way behind the AI that pitted towards the end of the race. The AI in the Zs were basically a second and a half slower, the Supras and NSXs were comparable, I think with a slight edge to the NSXs I looked through the .MAS to check and there doesn't seem to be any .rcd talent file, which means the AI's strength basically gets randomized between sessions, leading to some spred out racing as qualifying basically doesn't determine a car's speed AI didn't seem to have much tire drop off, even when most of them were on the softs I uploaded the race I did here if you wanna poke around Overall the cars look great! I think if a few of these little bugs are worked out, it'll easily be one of the best RF2 mods.
For AI maybe need some tweak, for people there're not too much differs, all 3 cars are inside 0.5s at suzuka in alien's hand, but yep as a non AI player me and sv didn't check it. Maybe Ai needs some work
well done, great series with great cars. Hope especially the Nissan will get the same cockpit graphics quality as the NSX in a futher update. One thing: the Nissan seems not to cut the throttle off when shifting up, so the engine is overreving. The NSX and the Supra cut the throttle off as it should be by sequential shifting by stick.
Drove the Supra around Monza with the Apex GT3 as filler (not period correct, I know :-D) forming a grid in total of about 40 cars and it was a wild and fully organic experience. Magnificent work with just a small, personal caveat that the cars seem to have a tad too much grip coming out of slow corners, allowing to nearly stomp the throttle without penalty.
After taking some days of break from modding, and to compile feedback, we'll focus our next update on addressing the pitstop times, wet tire potential performance gap, and car selection, so lengthy online races (or leagues) can proceed unaffected. The AI .rcd will take longer unless we have a volunteer (or volunteers) to expedite it. It is nice to see the adoption rate . And thank you again to our Patreon supporters and tnadz for your $ contribution. While we don't have enough for Lamborghinis, we have a couple of delightful dinners (delicious pizza) thanks to you.
We've just committed an update (1.14) to the workshop: added missing rain 2d stuff and reworked cockpintinfo.ini rework tyre softness reworked tyre sidewall rendering reworked oil temp and water setting reworked PitMenu value Regarding AI, we'd appreciate community assistance by someone with more experience to make sure this is "nailed." Please message us here or on our Discord if you'd like to help or know someone willing to help.
We've just committed an update (1.15) to the workshop : All cars : - added missing entry for brake duct setting - added missing entry for oil temp setting Supra : - reworked 2006 Sepang veh Z33 : - reworked blip on downshift
Hi folks, given the current progress on other content and the desire to not let this lag behind for single-player use, we'd like to ask if there are any AI experts who would volunteer to create 3 AI files for our Super GT mod - one for an excellent virtual opponent, one for a good/decent, and one for a backmarker. This would be of monumental help so we can then recreate the grid and apply the concept to our other cars.
I have been trying out this mod and I really like it but there are a few issues I have noticed. Firstly the tyres on all the cars lack any animated textures for motion blur so they appear to rotate too slowly. The Supra also has an issue with reflection glitches on the lower LOD models (B,C,D etc), especially noticeable on the dive planes on the front bumper but also on the hood. I also noticed looking at the Supra's GEN file that with vehicle detail set to High the highest quality model (A) isn't used for the body, bumper and hood. But even with the highest settings the A model is switched to B too soon when zooming out, an issue exaggerated by the reflection problems with the lower LOD models. The reflection glitches are caused by vertices sharing the same coordinates in the UV map when they define an edge that is between two faces that have normals which should be independent (I think that makes sense?). Basically a sharp edge. I presume these have crept in because of the workflow of reducing the geometry for the lower LOD models. I know because I had the same issue with the CART 98 models I have been working on. The little cheat I found in blender was to split the edges by angle (edge split modifier) then scale the vertices in the UV map by individual origins by 0.999 just before exporting (after saving). This just moves the affected vertices away form each other without adjusting the mapping too much. Unfortunately I can't help with the AI as that's a mystery to me.
I have just noticed another issue, this time with the NSX. In cockpit view where you should see the back of the hood it is transparent so you can see the track instead. Otherwise I think the NSX is the best graphically especially the cockpit.
We're still looking for AI help. If you know of people who have done some, please let us know or have them reach out. We're just looking for a couple of examples (tuned to one or two of our cars) to then implement through the grids. Thank you.
We're rolling out an update (to v1.17) where we added the missing sidewall blur to the tires, adjusted some fuel usage figures for the cars, tweaked headlight flare, and for the Supra the engine lifetime reliability was fixed. We're still looking for someone to help with AI creation. Please spread the word .
Our mod was not safe from the clutches of the bugged engine rev to oblivion "feature". It's been identified and addressed, an update is rolling out on the workshop as soon as we're sure all cars are safe.