Stuttering issue with build 1110 : but unacceptable counterparts

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by DrivingFast, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I have stuttering problems since the beta DX11.

    This stuttering has nothing to do with CPU or GPU performance problems (check with low settings), no throtteling (check), nothing to do with my CPU/GPU/RAM overclocking (with and without).

    The vsync is still activated, I can see actually when there is stuttering (stuttering with stable/contant 60 FPS, vsync ingame/nvidia settings).

    I specify that I already tried to strongly lower the graphical parameters of the game, set nvidia parameters by default (100%), windows is ultra optimized and up to date (W7: not even anti-virus .....).

    THERE WAS A BYPASS SOLUTION in build 1109 which worked fine : ACTIVATING CTRL + F = no 1stuttering.................................

    Since build 1110 (which I already love), this solution does not work anymore, and stuttering increase (sometimes unplayable).

    I found a PARTIAL solution :

    I activate only 1 of the 4 cores of my i5 2500K :

    - At least 90% of the stuttering disappears.
    - The performances are strongly insufficient on certain circuits : on Racerfactor SPA, I have INCREDIBLE lags (the purple bar is at the maximum during a very long time). The Nordschliefe , which is part of the circuits requiring the most performance, works pretty well (42 km/13 min).


    Is there anything I can do to optimize this solution (only ONE core), ie to avoid the huge lags ?

    Because this solution works :
    No stutter ! But sometimes mega huge lags.....

    - CPU OC = + 15% (the motherboard does not allow more)
    - Core active parking + process lasso.
    - i5 2500K
    - GTX 780 (weak overclocking)
    - Motherboard P8H67
    - PCIe X16 2.0
    - SSD empty space 75 GO
    - RAM 16 GO 1333 Ghz

    I know that some users on this forum have a lot of knowledge about these topics.

    Thank you for your help.
  2. W Lukas

    W Lukas Registered

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Ok this is getting interesting that activating 1 core works.

    Have u tried this command, I am not sure it is still working, as it is not now in player.json

    “Sim Processor Thresh” to 3

    U have to add this by urself, in quick words it was activating multithreading in some old build. U should check value of 255 I believe which is deactivating multithreading
  3. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    imo rf2 doesnt like old systems.
    maybe PCIe X16 2.0 isnt good either cause i have read many times on forum that PCIe X16 3.0 is by far better
    my old computer was intel core duo E7300 @2.66 and even at low settings i was suffering from stuttering
    i say again RF2 maybe dont like old computers.
    i had to upgrade to new standards to get rid of stuttering.
  4. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    A guy has questioned the fact that I use Windows 7 and not Windows 10. What do you think?
  5. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I very much doubt os would make any difference unless they were eating a lot of ram
  6. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    No 255 is the max core count that the game will use. You cannot deactivate multithreading as rF2 needs two threads to even run at all.
  7. Oli Speedy

    Oli Speedy Registered

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Have you removed the optional +fullproc argument from the command line parameters?
    This and also the optional "Aggressive Threading" option in the video settings was causing huge stutters in the build 1110 on my machine.

    You are writing that you have an nVidia GTX 780 on your machine.
    On my old PC I had an GTX 560 TI where I needed to alter the default power (saving) / voltage values in the graphics bios to remove stutters, particular for rF2. I think the problem was more on the nVidia / Card-Manufacturer side, where they used power-modes that were not appropriate under certain conditions.

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