Stutter issue

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by bksz, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. bksz

    bksz Registered

    Nov 19, 2020
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    As seen in the video above, im getting these micro stutters. They can also go up to 1 second in length.

    Whats weird about them, is that they happen for me on every track, every car, randomly. I lose ffb completely as well for the duration.

    Whats even more weird, when it happens, the game time is actually not frozen, meaning i can lose 1 second in lap time per stutter.

    These are complete random. I had a race where it happened in lap 8 of the race. Sometimes it happens in lap 1 and happens in every lap, so I have no idea how to trigger it on purpose. Its extremely frustrating.

    My specs are
    z170 msi
    i7 6700K @ 4.5k ghz
    16gb ram 2666
    2070 super

    Forgive me, if someone mentioned something similar anywhere else.
  2. Daniel Erstling

    Daniel Erstling Registered

    Oct 9, 2020
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    which version of nvidia driver are you using?
    there is a known issue with several recent driver versions until the very last 2, where stutters ocur when using steamVR.

    With the last 2 Nvidia drivers (461.33 I think?) this has been fixed, as long as no monitoring tools are running in background (fpsVR, afterburner, and so on).
    Other than that, you could go back to 456 / 457 driver versions, these are working for me aswell with a 2070s.
  3. bksz

    bksz Registered

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Hello Daniel,

    Yeah, i went back to 446 or something (whichever were recommended by steamVR), i have to check.

    Thanks for the reply!

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