Updated our server through steamcmd, although it took several tries to get the update. Server now crashes when lauching. Faulting module: SteamPlugin.dll View attachment 18771 Good thing I hadn't deleted our non-Steam install as that updated and works fine, just not visible in Steam server list.
same problem here I have steam standalone dedi on my own pc and on the leagues dedi server, on my own pc the update worked and both servers work fine, on the dedi server both servers crash with this error, both are using the same tracks, cars and vmods. EDIT: removing SteamPlugin.dll from ?:\rfactor2-dedicated\Bin64\Plugins stops the crash and the servers run fine.
Hello, I have not tested at home PC, but what you say its so strange. I have updated my servers with steam-cmd and they crash with steamplugin error too, have you done it in the same way ? so perhaps the steam-server download have a bug?
Yep used SteamCMD to update as instructed here -> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=553088396
all good now, replace the steamplugin.dll (if you removed) then run the updater again, no more crashes