we have Solitude track on workshop! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876877473 track by @Luis Barata seems it is scratch made
Comments are positive. Unfortunately I'm getting errors. Something wrong with my download. Tried a few times with no luck.
about solitude.... 1964 Solitude Grand Prix, Stuttgart : Jim Clark in Lotus 33 leading the field and mastering the wet track on his way to win the race
Good track and great drive, a nice recreation of a classic. At last another version not of GPL origin.
just tried 2 minor things: -railroad seems didn't work -i found this material error on grass (on top-left) p.s. what a great addition for historical lovers
Fences have weird collisions. Track surface seems to be billiard table smooth in some places then it will suddenly feel like going over a cattle grid, then back to smooth. Transitions for many of the hills are very abrupt and stepped rather than gradient. Doesn't seem to be any reaction with wet weather?
I managed to get one wheel through the wire fence and I coudn't get it out. But I think that case is reallistic. The wire fence isn't all solid like a wall. Very good track, although I agree it's sometimes very smooth and sometimes very bumpy. Since I don't know the real track I'll take it as it is.
real road ….Sorry for my fault i mean i haven’t see darker asphalt on line path after many laps (My screens was taken after 50 and plus laps)
This is the best Solitude I've tried. It needs work, but I love to have this kind of roads in RF2. Many thanks to the author for this gem. Hopefully he will give it the love it deserves. I tried the 1975 Brabham F1 car and went against the barbwire on the side of the road a couple of times, losing a wheel and other pieces. It's realistic in my opinion. Actually, I'm lucky that I'm alive. Looking at some YT, looks like there was a small fence back then, with two lines of wire. but don't know the kind of it. One taller, along the starting line, probably with some kind of rope. And one with smaller poles, right after the box area: I don't think that they were so crazy to keep barbwire along the side of the roadcourse during the race. Tried with rain and for me is ok. Also, the section where there are lot of small bumps it's ok. There should me more imperfections, those roads weren't complete flat surfaces back then. Wasn't like the Mugello. I managed to crash against all the hay bales: they fly as they are supposed to do. Love it. The only thing I don't like are the trees, that look like they have a light grey shadow over them, but I guess it's their resolution that gives this look. Also, the asphalt looks very dark with rain. Don't remember the hour of the day at was I was racing though. But was day and with heavy rain and storm condition. I should do more testing.
About the green tint on multiplayer reported in workshop comments It’s a know rf2 bug https://forum.studio-397.com/index....but-single-player-is-fine.71956/#post-1101826 S397 is working for fix it But here you can find a workaround https://forum.studio-397.com/index....lashy-now-with-pbr-update.68932/#post-1088598
Fences, borders, barriers... those are what I was referencing. So you don't want feedback? I am basing this on your track I drove. Smooth tarmac with no feedback whatsoever, then sudden feeling of going over ripples. Doesn't feel like tarmac to me. I'm not comparing to the GPL track as I didn't use force feedback in that game. I am not sure where LOD comes into this when I am talking about feel of the tarmac under the wheels.
@Luis Barata normally you'd have invisible flat walls acting as collision meshes for detailed fences. The graphical fences aren't collidable. Otherwise the tyres don't play nicely with them.
Thanks for 1.1 update Updated the collisions, some LOD's, darkened the groove P.s. Nice track map by ozpata
A very enjoyable track to drive, are there any plans to fix the multi player green tint issue? Someone posted a possible fix for this issue above.
Very enjoyable track thanks for your work! However some glaring issues are foliage , crowd and fence collision meshes. All foliage + crowd needs t1 stamp vertex (which is not only for billboard objects) , all foliage means trees , bushes , grass blades (bushes/grass t1 stamp vertex no shadow) & tree walls. For the crowd i hope u can find a 397 mat , isn't it shared taken from belgium 66 ? Ask them and try copying mats from there. Road texture is very nice but at the starting grid it becomes blurry , plus the tdf file & road feedback , u should take notes also from tracks like belgium 66 , not completely smooth to supper high freq bump fdbk it feels fake. Theres also a shadow only in the road after t3 without any object there... For trees i can help with some bump t1 stamp vertex files that looks much better then plain t1 , maybe i rework them but the main texture is also low res... I also have some custom made high res historical sponsors already , like cola , champion , bosch spark plugs banner with bump file etc. so ask me any time glad to help! If with rain road looks dark , u need brighter alpha map in ch1 (main road map) , it needs to be average gray , u can read the track cheat sheet, then adjust main map again if needed. Sry i m a bit anal! but its a track that deserves it and u can expect a beer worth of paypal money for making it a really proper 2022 track!
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