Getting pretty frustrated now. Previous builds the reason given (by users) was that it was probably my datapath being in Documents and Core in C: Fine, builds where getting better and better with auto-updates so not until 590 I had to re-install and now have all paths in the same directory. And yes to the following questions: yes alt is in name, less then10 characters, same setting for the DDS plugin. Using re-load button, also exit rf2 and re-enter. Tried it with a virtual car, just a grey (default?) skin but not mine. Got some skins from members which they claim that work. and unless they are lying and conspiring against me....I dont see them. just a default skin for where the new skin is supposed to appear. When opened in Photoshop I can clearly see a custom skin. The only skin I got to work was a Kart skin from some guy here, it was not a DDS file but packed inside a mas file. Is that the trick then? But shouldn't dds files work anyways? I also saw someone claim Lite doesn't do skins well, gotta get Core. is this true? Any help pls?
Only way I got it to work was calling my skin "" and putting it next to an existing skin file that came with the came. It was in my USERDATA folder somewhere, in the C6R folder (for skinning a C6R of course ).
before you began your skin, you went in-game, all cars and tracks, vehicles, select the desired car to be skinned, then enter tuning area. click [create dir] which provides the just created folder path you want to put your skin into across the top of the screen in the tuning room (rf2 UI) once the skin is placed in that folder, return in-game...all cars... tuning area, click variants < > to locate the skin. curious? how you view changes as you paint the skin.
Yes, forgot to mention, already tried that JGraf. But just to be sure, just tried again, exactly as you explained, no luck :-( To be clear: I got send a skin for the Renault 3.5 went ingame, picked the 27 car, tuning, create dir. exit game, new dir. avail, put the skin ( inside fr35_car/FR35_27 back in, tuning, I can select the new skin, but just shows up as the default skin. reload/exit/enter, don't matter. I also tested changing skins, just slammed a big red patch on an existing skin and on a custom skin in photoshop, saved it, back to rf2, just to see if anything would change. it does not.
Some progress, I created a mas file with the skin inside, added to the carfolder and now it works(!!) But, that would mean when I want to alter a skin, I have to paint, mas, check, unpack, correct, mas, check..... and I still wont be able to see other custom skins unless they are in a mass file.
When you created the new directory it also placed a alt dds file of the default car in it. Make sure the only file in it is your new paint alt dds.
Thx Easton, tried it, don't work either. Is there anything in the /windows or folder options perhaps that would prevent rf2 from allowing this? I mean I run as admin, UAC is lowest, I can do anything inside rf2 and its tools, I can receive skins, receive setups, auto d/l stuff, everything works as normal. Bit it 'feels' like rf2 just don't want it anyways, in every build no less. and seeing how a skin inside a mas file is allowed/viewable would maybe underline that? I dunno, maybe i'm just getting paranoid. is it the NSA maybe???
Can you see the dds file you created in rf2 when in game at tuning? If you can select the file but can't see your paint then it may be the way the dds is being saved. Here is an example of where I saved my last paint. I have a main install in program files (X86) and the folder I save to is in documents/rFactor2/userdata/player/settings/C6r_ZR1/C6R_ZR1_73/alt, alt is lower case not caps.
When I installed rf2 last week it created a rFactor2 folder in documents and the main install in program files (X86). Not sure why it does that but it works.
Yeah I can select it. and I am using the exact same settings as offered in the paint guide. But even without that, skins from others are not showing either but in their sim they do.
Fixed! The problem is with the Lite version, I just installed the Content build now skins show, very happy. I feel kinda silly about it now but I would have never guessed this would make a difference. was just a desperate attempt tbh. (both core/data in c fwiw) wonder what else is different. Anyways, onwards to the new quest of creating skins and all issues that are involved with that no doubt
Do you use UAC by any chance? I used to and it caused all sorts of problems so I disabled it(changed it to never notify), much better!
This is a strange one though as I`m on a lite install as always and some skins work for me and others don`t. That`s skins I`ve painted myself and community skins... Some work straight out of the box as it were and others, even when I`ve re-named them just will not show up...