I wonder.... (hehe) Could you make it a 1-click script and have it do the uploading to Uwe's site? You might have to sort something out with him to be able to do it. Pre-complete the login details (not the most secure way to do things, but it's not like you use the same password elsewhere, do you?!) Upload the create file to the correct URL as given by Uwe and jobsagudden... Might be easier said than done, but if it's possible, it can be added to the startup folder so would be totally automated.
And now (back on topic).... a gooey version: https://github.com/TonyWhitley/rFactory/releases/tag/V0.1.130 ______________________________________________ WARNING: Needs updating to latest pyinstaller to overcome its vulnerability GHSA-7fcj-pq9j-wh2r (if you want details: https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/v3.6/CHANGES.html) but at the moment there are errors in the build process so I haven't been able to make a new exe file. I don't think this is a particularly serious vulnerability in this case but it's up to you. ________________________________________________________________________________ It reads the folders in your rFactor and lists them in the windows. Select the ones you want then press => to move them to the selection window. Then click Create ModMaker.bat data file to save the file and finally Run rFactor 2 to load rFactor in single-player mode with only the mods you have selected. It's running the same batch file as earlier so that means they can share data files. If you want to remove mods from the selection windows select them and then press <= to remove them. If your rFactor and Steam are not in c:\programs.... then edit the entries rF2root and SteamExe in Datafiles\favourites\rFactoryConfig.JSON found wherever you put rFactoryModManager.exe
I've never used SimHub so it's not something I've tested but I can't immediately think of anything ModMaker does that should upset it. (The new GUI just creates the data files, it then runs ModMaker.bat which is the same as when you were using it before).
No, I can't either. I'll do some more testing if nobody else is having an issue. I have a dash which just shows FFB values I use when trying settings, spent a hour or two trying to get it working, even rebooting a few times. Then I realised none of my other dashes worked either. Ran the game with the Steam launcher and it came back to life.
ModMaker does bypass the Steam launcher - it makes sure Steam is running but then runs rFactor with Code: Bin64\rFactor2.exe +singleplayer +path=<path to the mod set>
SimHub works fine if I drag n drop, doesn't work if I use the green "Run rFactor 2" button in your launcher, how odd! Other than this though, it's great. There's nothing worse than going into the game then trying to work out which car/track you need to use, much easier with your launcher open and whatever else to cross reference.
Yeah. No idea. The green button code boils down to Code: _cmd = bundleFolder('ModMaker.bat') + ' ' + self.modmaker_file run(_cmd) It has its own copy of ModMaker.bat but it’s the same content.
As I spend more time scrolling though the list of cars & tracks, I've made myself a little batch file which creates a random.modfile.txt file, I've not tested it as yet, but it "should" work. @echo off echo Name=Random>random.modfile.txt set /a rand=%random% %% 213 for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%i in ('findstr /n .* "c:\path\to\carlist.txt"') do ( if "%%i"=="%rand%" echo %%j )>>random.modfile.txt set /a rand=%random% %% 337 for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%i in ('findstr /n .* "c:\path\to\tracklist.txt"') do ( if "%%i"=="%rand%" echo %%j )>>random.modfile.txt Just create a text file with a list of cars (start each line with "Vehicle=") & the same for tracks ("Location="). Maybe something you could add to your ModManager, SS.
Clever but it doesn't quite work, you need something like Code: set /a rand=((%random% %% 213) ^& 7) + 1 to get a rand in the range 1-8 (and then 8 cars and tracks to choose from). Definitely something that would be a lot better in Python! Not really sure of the point though - why would you want to pick a random car and track?
Sorry Dave what do you mean "drag and drop", I have tried to launch simhub and then rfactor2 from rf2 launcher without success simhub does not work
@Dave^ is referring to modmaker.bat https://forum.studio-397.com/index....-content-for-single-player.64039/#post-999724 The GUI creates the data files for modmaker.bat so instead of pressing the Run rFactor 2 button to run modmaker.bat you can create one then drag it on to the modmaker.bat file. For reasons I don't understand simhub works if Dave does it that way.
what am I doing wrong? I just can not get it ... thank you for your help d:\Zusatz\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2>rfactorymodmanager.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "rFactoryModManager.py", line 290, in <module> File "rFactory.py", line 140, in __init__ File "tabModSelection.py", line 36, in __init__ ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence [10524] Failed to execute script rFactoryModManager d:\Zusatz\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2> here is the changed .json file: "# %ProgramFiles(x86)% will be expanded to your Windows setting but you can write it explicitly if you want": "", "# Same for %LOCALAPPDATA%": "", "# Use / not backslash": "", "#MyPostCommand: use this call a program or batch file after rF2 runs": "", "#MyPreCommand: use this call a program or batch file before rF2 runs": "", "#SteamDelaySeconds: How long it takes Steam to start up before we can start rF2": "", "CrewChiefArgs": "RF2_64BIT", "CrewChiefExe": "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Britton IT Ltd/CrewChiefV4/CrewChiefV4.exe\"", "DiscordArgs": "--processStart Discord.exe", "DiscordExe": "%LOCALAPPDATA%/Discord/Update.exe", "MyPostCommand": "", "MyPostCommandArgs": "", "MyPreCommand": "", "MyPreCommandArgs": "", "SteamDelaySeconds": 10, "SteamExe": "d:/Zusatz/Steam/steam.exe", "TeamSpeakExe": "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%/TeamSpeak 3 Client/ts3client_win64.exe\"", "UserData player": "player", "VolumeControlExe": "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%/VolumeControl/VolumeControl.exe\"", "rF2root": "d:/Zusatz/Steam/steamapps/common/rFactor 2" }
You would get that if d:/Zusatz/Steam/steamapps/common/rFactor 2/Installed/Vehicles is empty. At that point the program is listing all the vehicles to find out which has the longest name. The list (sequence) it has got has nothing in it. Or... What you've posted is missing the { at the beginning. I assume that's just a typo but if there is an error in the JSON file the program will write a new one with the default "rF2root": "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Steam/steamapps/common/rFactor 2" One day I'll add a sanity check to validate rF2root.