It should feel better since AC currently has that weird layer between the car and the road, as to how things are transmitted. Tires are likely not too dissimilar to those of the Civic so that could be a great advantage.
Fist off I want to say a big thank you for this Mod on AC but my heart is with RF2. I was wondering If the AC template will be the same as the Rfactor 2 template?
Tried AC version of this mod and I liked it. I expect rf2 version to feel maybe more alive as usual. Though AC feels a little more alive now since the version 1.0 was released. In AC this mod is very fun to drive. Sounds are maybe a little weak. I guess this was FWD? I definently feel the front wheels pulling more with ISI's Civic mod but luckily there is some pulling also in AC.
Hi guys! First of all, Happy New Year for everyone! I worked hard the last week on the rF2 version of the Seat, i made a lot "improvement" Almost finalized the texture/shader settings, and worked a lot with the physics, implemented the turbo with the "newer" engine code, and implemented the chassis flex system, it was a bit difficult at the first time, i had a few crash with the ptool, but finally i got it, and feels good I made an animated gif from the car, at different time of the day, from 4am to 8pm, the quality is not too good because of the gif.
Thank you Tommy for all you have done. Car looks great, dont wory about gif quality. Wish you great Year.
Once this is out REVS will be running a league with this mod! Check us out at
Pfft and people worry about losing mods to AC. We may not get the quantity but the quality speaks for itself. Awesome work man! Can't wait to try it out!
Seat Leon Cup Racer 2014 Nice work Tommy, I like your AC version there and liking the RF2 one so far too Any info about release date?
Yes, a mod well worth waiting for and take the time you need to make it right! Thanks and Happy New Year to you, one of our top contributors.
Thanks again guys! About the release, I hope at this weekend, just need to test the wet tires, and need to modify the driver animation, and after a whole content re-check and a final test, so if everything goes well, you can try at the weekend.