RTX4090 and rfactor2 VR Performance.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GTClub_wajdi, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. Hendrick

    Hendrick Registered

    Sep 15, 2022
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    Greetings all, any tips, suggestions or solutions regarding anti aliasing would be very helpful. I'm using an rtx card have all graphic settings at max but still it looks bad. It gets worse at windowed/borderless mode, thanks.
  2. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I would rather wait for single chiplet x3d model than buy the 7900x3d. the multi chiplet models have infinity fabric between the cores, and only one chiplet has the v-cache (the 3d part).
    And even tough AMD's idea of this is to have the cpu (and windows OS) know not to use the other chiplet (that doesn't have the v-cache) for gaming.
    THAT, is a big ask for microsoft as the scheduling of the cores lands on them. Trusting MS to guarantee that your HW works as it should is a gamble to say the least. I would not do that, trust windows that much that is.
    AND since single chiplet models are gonna be enough for any gaming situation, waiting for the successor for the 5800x3d from the 7K lineup, saves you from the gamble, and will be fast af.

    Also, your 5900x being a bottleneck might sound hard to believe/imagine, but that is exactly what it is, IN THIS GAME.
    Me and fellow VR user did test our cpus against each other, on same track with same cars, AND the CPU frametimes were higher on the 5950x (his) vs 10700K (mine), even when he had less visible cars, and much lower resolution. He got more dropped frames too.
    My 10700K is overclocked to 5.2GHz cpu, 4.8GHz cache, and ram overclocked and tuned to 4200 16-19-19-40, with floored subtimings.
    The ram OC+tuning, or more particularly, the latency gains from it, (38.7ns) i think gives my i7 quite the boost, but the multichiplet design of the 5950x is clearly the thing holding it back for this game in particular, as the 5950x simply destroys my i7 in any cpu benchmark, as it does in most (if not all) game benchmarks too.

    Here are both videos of the cpu battle at Portland:

    Big thanks for Emperor, for doing this with me!
    At least we got some solid data of the cpu performance, intel vs AMD in rF2.
    No one has agreed to proof the capability of the 5800x3d for rf2 VR as of yet, but much talk about it being good for this game goes around.

    P.S. This was done in steam vr, for the sake of using FPS VR overlay.
    I use Open XR nowdays, and that same scenario runs much better on it, ie. higher resolution, without any upsampling (for this test we had about same amount of FSR upsampling, roughly 250x250 pxls per eye higher than render resolution).
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    avenger82 likes this.
  3. justposted

    justposted Registered

    Oct 14, 2020
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    I'd be happy to run a 5800x3d test for you, Kelju. Are there settings that would make it comparable to another set-up, given that I have a 3080? I ran comparisons with the 3600 it replaced, but that's a long way from a 5800X.
  4. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Well i was informed that Daytona at night is THE "benchmark" (worst case scenario) for VR.
    So i did run just that to benchmark my system.
    Here it is:

    2836x2768 per eye resolution (80% in open xr tools)
    Track Detail = LOW
    Opponent = LOW (with high textures)
    Player = FULL
    Textures = Medium
    MSAA x4
    Aniso x16
    PP = Low
    Everything else = OFF
    20 cars 10 visible 6 headlights

    I did try later with 40 total cars, but that was too much. With 30 i had some minor stutters on first lap when all the cars were packed together. But it was really minor.
    So the limit is around 26-27 total cars propably, or with the 20 i had in the video, 1-2 more visible?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  5. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Longbeach just kills VR performance on my system even at low track settings.
  6. justposted

    justposted Registered

    Oct 14, 2020
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    I posted this on Discord, but may as well add here too, in case it's of interest to forum users ...

    Here are my tests. I didn't detect any stuttering in any of them. Even with 40 visible cars, though the impact on my FPS was significant. I'm happy with 45 FPS though, so it works for me. Not sure how that compares with other CPU performance, but it certainly seems that there is no need to limit AI with the 5800X3D except to reduce load on my GPU and increase my FPS.

    FPS traces are attached as an image. Clearly I have some sort of ASW on, even though I've turned it all off in Oculus Debug Tool. It looks like when I'm driving, as opposed to the AI controlling my car, it might have some effect. More likely to be just where the car was in the pack, which way I was looking etc.

    Attached Files:

  7. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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  8. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    thats dated info. at least when it comes to enviroment reflections. in that test having it low was faster than off.
    this is not the case anymore. env reflections OFF is considerably faster than having them on.
    The_Bad_Fasterd likes this.
  9. Highlandwalker

    Highlandwalker Registered

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Nvidia released new drivers today, version 531.29. These drivers may help Nvidia users, they work fine with my 3080 and a single screen. They are the best drivers I've used so far.
  10. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I have no doubt that this app has brought better experiences in VR, both in terms of image quality and FPS stability. As soon as possible I will share my configs here in version 1.4.5 of the app for those who want to test it.
    My config: RTX 3080, ryzen 5700, RAM 32gb 3200mhz and SSD 3800mbs
  11. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I was not trying to take anything away from Tappi's app. its widely used and praised. and for good reason.
    just rf2 has evolved after that test was done, and it has changed some things. just wanted to bring the reflections issue up as it has rather high impact on perf nowdays. higher the hmd res, more it tanks the perf. Thats all.
    Glad you enjoy the app. Its great.
  12. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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  13. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Sorry I was meant to put my settings here instead put them in the share your VR settings:

    Running a HP Reverb G1v2 with 12900k and RTX4090.

    I have The OpenXR Toolkit installed - See HERE
    I have the Opencomposite Launcher Installed - See HERE you need to scroll down, there are 2 options, System Wide Installation OR Per Game. I am using the system wide. Much easier to use and update.

    Once you install both these run the Opencomposite Launcher and Switch to Opencomposite (you will need to switch back to SteamVR for games that do not support it) . If you are doing it per game, then you will need to install the DLL in the rf2 folder.

    In game settings will vary depending on PC but for me everything is on FULL, 16x, Special Effects - Ultra, Shadows - Medium, Shadow Blur - Optimal, Soft and Rain - High, Reflections Medium, 20 visible cars and usually race with 31 AI.

    When in game with VR, Press CTRL + F2 to bring up the OpenXR menu.

    First thing to do is to Go To Menu Tab (press F3 to go RIGHT & F1 to go Left)
    Press F2 to go down to the SHOW EXPERT SETTINGS - Choose YES

    Go To the Performance tab

    Overlay off
    Upscaling/Sharpness – FSR (I have tried the other 2 - NIS or CSS, the latter is better picture quality and works well form me in AMS2 and MSF BUT poor performance in rF2)
    Anamorphic – On
    Width – 80%
    Height – 80%
    Sharpness – 60
    Mip-map Bias – off
    Fixed foveated rendering – Custom
    Inner Resolution 1x
    Inner Ring Size 50%
    Middle Resolution ¼
    Outer Ring Size 80%
    Outer Resolution 1/16
    Preferred Resolution – Vertical
    Horizontal scale – 125%
    Vertical offset 0%
    Left Right Bias – none
    Turbo Mode – On
    Frame Throttle Off
    Record Stats - off

    These settings work well for the majority of the time, maybe some slowdown at start on 'heavy' tracks. Rain works well. Night not so great but definitely playable. Night and rain is a no no.

    I don't get much play time and haven't played around much with the above settings too much as prefer to find something that works and just race. I know I can use random day and any weather and have no issues with 31AI.
    I would welcome peoples input with more knowledge and experience with tinkering as to what settings works best in rF2 with the OpenXR Toolkit.
    2ndLastJedi likes this.
  14. some_race_driver

    some_race_driver Registered

    Oct 12, 2023
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    Confirming that performance on this CPU+GPU combo is worse using OpenXR/OpenComposite. Settings that deliver 90 FPS via SteamVR will result in 83-85 FPS and a lot of microstuttering using OpenXR.
    Update: I reverted back to the old openvr_api.dll file; now the game runs in a very choppy way and I see matching 100%-GPU spikes roughly twice a second. Happy about any guidance.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  15. some_race_driver

    some_race_driver Registered

    Oct 12, 2023
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  16. SuperMelon

    SuperMelon Registered

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Guys, I don't know - but with OpenXR toolkit on my Varjo I'm running pretty much all on hi (including resolution to highest) and even during races everything is pretty fluid. I think setting fixed foveated rendering helps a lot with FPS
  17. Dobbie

    Dobbie Registered

    Mar 5, 2015
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    I´m using an Reverb G2 since about one year. First it works good, but with some tunings I´ve choosen the wrong way it seems and I had to try many things, and after all reinstall the complete system.

    Because of that someone said, use OpenComposite (OC) for better FPS I´ve done that even before and it had worked better than SteamVR. But now I checked out, that it´s more worse than SteamVR. I didn´t expect the issues at OC and tried a very lot things on my system, from nVidia to BIOS and Game-Settings. But now I recognized, that I had frametimes in OC from 0,022 on CPU and 0,008 on GPU. I has had stable 45 FPS with Motion-Reprojection, but it was nonetheless jerky.
    Now I has switched vom OC to SteamVR as an test and get frametimes from ~0,011 on both, CPU and GPU!
    So it runs smoother in first tests, but I wonder, why the CPU-frametimes is that much higher by using OC? Because I think I remember that at the beginning my system runs better after the switch from SteamVR to OC, I want to know where is the problem now? Why is the CPU-frametime twice as high as in SteamVR?

    Someone with an idea or tipps what to figure out?

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