Rouen was one of my fav tracks with GPL Great atmosphere, fantastic combination of turns, long straight, amazing thanks for all that kind of info Gui
If there's lidar data available for France, I'd be interested to know, as my poor research skills didn't point me to anything.
Rouen doesn't have the fancy data, but rather the old inaccurate elevations sadly. I wouldn't know how to capture that data from Google Earth anyway
Awesome work! Just tested F1 LEGENDS RACING 2.0 in it and it was nice race. Thank you very much to all who were involved
Interesting documentation about historic rouen track
Many thanks to digga for v.1.0 changelog v1.0 -IBL Shader and Material update
Think he means the AIW, depending on car, and AI settings all those have problem areas. As you well you know many circuits are built in authors minds eye for online where AI sometimes takes a backseat. Not so easy to do, Belgium and Italy community circuits solved some problems but make some AI like F3 drive worse at both. Can't have a F3 race there without cars rail riding Curva Grande and getting stuck or flung into traffic. Some cars clip a invisible barrier along pits at Italy 10K now. Why I still use both versions in historic rfmods.
Not only that, I be a monkey's uncle if you can show me any elevation camber variance in Rouen 55-70 layout from rF2, GPL, VLM or pCars. They are like Deja Vu. But look what GPL modders did for Spa Kemmel chicane and Malmedy, amazing. (6:54) At (11.02) looks to be designers jotted down Kemmel "Kink" As well drive GPL stock Spa and pCars like 2 lemons, same terrain elevations, map.
Oh wow! I just realised you meant the whole update, not just the AI! I remember you were working on this ages ago. That’s very poor to not get any credit!
just saw that Digga has changed a lot of things at Rouen and improved my improved version again. My first thought was wrong that it is 100% my version. Apologies for that
I tried the new update today. It looks great. Colours look very realistic. Thank you to all that worked on it, (past and present).