[REL] rFactor2 Log Analyzer ver. 2. With offline and league Championship Manager

Discussion in 'Other' started by Nibo, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Pedro Nosaki

    Pedro Nosaki Registered

    Mar 21, 2023
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    Here they are. Thanks!

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  2. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    rFactor sets <Position> for this driver at 12 in xml. I don't know a reason and if its a bug or a feature. But I must trust <position> tag for Qual Session included in Race Report, or else other "corner cases" will display wrong.

    For future update I changed ordering of that Qual Results table to lap time. You will see correct order in that table. But that is a half-measure. Internally for r2la that driver will still count at position 12. If he's position was really 1st, for example, he would not receive bonus points for Pole Position from championship points system. To fix this correctly I would need to re-think and re-write a lot of other stuff, and I don't know if I will do that. And I don't really know if I should fix this further, maybe rF2 has reasons to set position like that...
  3. Pedro Nosaki

    Pedro Nosaki Registered

    Mar 21, 2023
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    Ok, I understand...
    Thanks for your time, Nibo!
  4. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    I was wondering if it may be possible for us to assign icons against drivers in our championship? I have included an example and think it would be a nice addition to the tool. The idea is that it would have a similar column to the rest of the data and show something like this.

    It would really bring the page to life :)

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  5. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I'm working on a update right now and planning to include an option to insert user images in Team and Vehicle columns in Reports. I can extend this idea to include image column in Championship Tables.
    Nick9320, Corti and Pales like this.
  6. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Amazing dude. Thank you so much! :)

    Edit: Do you also think that this may be possible within the live timing section as well as an optional choice?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  7. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I think it will be possible to add image column to LiveTiming too. I will have to look more closely a bit later.
  8. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Thanks, Nibo. This is going to be an insanely good update!
  9. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Hello, Nibo. I was just wondering how you were getting on mate? :)
  10. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I'm working on it. Its going to be a pretty big update to r2la, so its a lot of work to make sure everything is working. The problem is I get electric power with 3 hours on/off schedule lately. I'm limited by that. I estimate it will be at least 1-2 more weeks to release.
    That is also a reason I've decided to do a substantial update. Because I might not be able to anything anymore if situation will continue to worsen.
    Pales and Corti like this.
  11. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Hi Nibo,

    I am really sorry to hear that. I was hoping that the situation would be better for you, but we're not really informed about what is going in the news anymore.

    It is commendable that you're still working on this despite the circumstances.
  12. Pedro Nosaki

    Pedro Nosaki Registered

    Mar 21, 2023
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    Hi Nibo,

    Sorry to hear that.
    Hey, I started to get an error when I try to Assign Race Result in the championship manager. It says: "Internal Error". I'm sending the ticket.
    I already tried to fresh install it and also tried without loading the "r2la_settings.json" file.
    Thank you in advance and hope things get better over there.

    best regards,


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  13. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Looks like some of your xml files contains empty TrackCourse tag. Which should never happen. I'll put a fix for this in that part of code (Assign Race Result). But its better to find that log file(s) and either remove them or add track name in TrackCourse tag manually.
  14. Pedro Nosaki

    Pedro Nosaki Registered

    Mar 21, 2023
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    Thanks Nibo!
  15. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Updated to rF2 Log Analyzer ver. 2.2.000-x64

    • From now on DEDI Competitions are saved to r2la_settings.json file automatically. No need to export/import them from separate r2la_competitions.json. You can still import your old r2la_competitions.json file on Options page.
    • Simplified r2la startup form. Added widget that shows in real time if r2la found right contents for a root path that user is entering.
    • Completely new Options page.
      • Options are now categorized to separate subpages.
      • 'Options - Import' page now has a widget that shows state of r2la_settings.json file.
      • 'Options - Tracks' has 'Track connections' form and 'Set track countries' widget.
      • Subpages for 'General', 'Car Identifiers', 'Log Directories', 'Language' and 'JavaScript' options.
      • Subpages for 'Session Reports' and 'Track Records' customization options.
      • Most options changes are saved to r2la_settings.json file automatically and are imported on r2la update.
    • Major improvements to session reports with driver swaps:
      • Race sessions with driver swaps are marked with "swaps" icon in Results Viewer selector.
      • Session reports with driver swaps automatically show Team Name as main name and all team drives listed underneath.
      • Race Results table now correctly shows team`s Qualifying times for logs with swaps.
      • 'Qual Time' and 'Best Lap' columns now show specific driver name that set that time for logs with swaps.
      • 'Session Best sectors' tables now show specific driver name that set that sector time for logs with swaps.
      • 'Race fastest laps' tables now shows correct team and driver names and specific driver name that set that time for races with driver swaps.
      • 'Pit Stops Summary' table now shows driver names, that were swapped at pit stop.
      • Added new table for races with driver swaps - 'Driver Stints' ('Swaps' tab). Shows all driver stints per team, stint duration, drivers best and average times in stint, driver overall driving time.
      • Drivers that were driving in Qualy are no longer included as DNS in Race Reports if they are driving in the race as part of the team.
    • Improved Track Records page design:
      • Changes to columns order and cell data formatting. Moved menu button for every record row to last column.
      • Added menu button in top right corner with customization options.
      • Added options to toggle table columns for 'Car Id', 'Car Type', 'Car Class', 'Team Name', 'Category', 'Server Name', 'Session', 'Fuel', 'Laps'.
      • 'Time' and 'Gap' columns are now optionally highlighted.
      • Redesigned Track Stats widget.
    • Improved and simplified DEDI Competitions Create/Edit form. Better default values. Most parameters now require to be turned On with checkbox to match their value. Most of the time you only need to provide Track Name and combination of Category, CarType, CarClass, TeamName to create a Competition.
    • Added "Create Competition for this xml" option to Results Viewer Utils drop-down menu. It opens Create Competition page with values already filled in with corresponding values of selected log file.
    • Removed old part of DEDI Competitions where users could upload their results to r2la DEDI.
    • Added multiple options to customize Session Reports tables:
      • Toggle columns in report tables: 'Car Number', 'Team', 'Car'.
      • Toggle columns in Race Results table only: 'Position Change', 'Qual Time'.
      • An option to show Team Name under Driver Name in report tables.
      • An option to add user images in Team and Car columns alongside text or instead of text. Put png images into rF2 Log Analyzer ver. x\web2py\applications\r2la\static\images\tables folder. Image filenames should match corresponding report column cell value. Replace all non-alphanumeric characters and spaces in filenames with _ (underscore) symbol.
      • An option to add one or two separate user image columns. Possible sources for this image file names are 'Category', 'CarType', 'CarClass', 'TeamName', 'CarId', 'Driver Name'.
      • Use browser DevTools to see image file names and css classes that can be used to customize styling in app.css file.
    • Added to Live Timing an option to add one or two separate user image columns. Turn it On/Off in rF2 Log Analyzer ver. x\web2py\applications\r2la\live_timing_settings.json file. Json settings names are "show_img_column1" (set to 0 or 1), "show_img_column2" (set to 0 or 1), "img_column1_source" (set to "driver", "class", "vehicle" or "vehicle_with_num"), "img_column2_source" (set to "driver", "class", "vehicle" or "vehicle_with_num"). Put png images into rF2 Log Analyzer ver. x\web2py\applications\r2la\static\images\tables folder. Image filenames should match corresponding source cell value. Replace all non-alphanumeric characters and spaces in filenames with _ (underscore) symbol.
    • Improved Championships page UI.
    • Added to Championships an option "Show column with custom images in Driver and Team Standings". Put png images into rF2 Log Analyzer ver. x\web2py\applications\r2la\static\images\tables folder. Image filenames should match corresponding Driver Name or Team Name cell value. Replace all non-alphanumeric characters and spaces in filenames with _ (underscore) symbol.
    • Better text formatting for Car Class and Tire Compound badges. Now shows full first word of multi-word class or compound name. Full name visible with mouse-over tooltip.
    • Better formatting for Driver Aids in tables. Now represented as badges (with one-two capital letters for most used Aids such as 'Blip', 'Clutch', 'Lift', 'AI', etc).
    • Redesigned 'Incidents/Chat' tab conents in Session Reports. Better 'Vehicle Contacts', 'Penalties' and 'Chat' tables. Removed Qualy Incidents/Chat from Race reports.
    • Changed session result header design in Session Reports.
    • Fixed numerous errors in UI. Multiple changes to improve UI consistency and readability.
    • Added screenshots to r2la Help page. Saved it as static mhtml file and put it in r2la root folder.
    • Added new Time Trials manager for non-DEDI version (optional).
      • Time Trials are available for non-DEDI mode only. Its a way to compare your multiple race runs of the same distance on the same track. Cars might be different on every run. Time Trial is structured similar to championship. You can create several events with different tracks in one Time Trial. Then add Race logs to event.
      • Conditions when adding log files to event are: xml file must contain driver with a name matching the one you provided when creating Time Trial, and all Race runs for event must have the same length in laps and done on the same track.
      • For example, you can create Time Trial with "Endurance TT" name and add your player name. Then create several events with names of tracks, like "Spa", "Imola", etc. Then run several races at Spa offline, with or without AI, with the same or different cars, but all races 10 laps long. Then add all this race logs to Spa Time Trial event you created. You will see Results and Laps tables on event page, where you can easily compare overall run time, best lap times, sectors, top speed (for LMU), fuel and tire wear, consistency between race runs.
    buzz hornet, Mauro, Nick9320 and 13 others like this.
  16. JuanP006

    JuanP006 Registered

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Thank you Nibo. Appreciate your great work
  17. sepi

    sepi Registered

    Jun 29, 2024
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    @Nibo thanks for the new Update. Very usefull the new customization options.
    I can't find the option "Compare all logs for this car and track"

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  18. knackko

    knackko Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Hi Nibo,
    Thank you for this big update !
  19. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    It should be there, works for me. It is only available in non-DEDI mode (always was like that). Maybe you started r2la in DEDI mode?
  20. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Hi Nibo,

    This changelog looks amazing. Cannot wait to test it this weekend when I get time. :) The livetiming with images will be a beautiful sight.

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