Happy? Ya, right. They could make the game look as good as if you were looking out of your window, and people would still complain. Happy, my ass. Anyways, thanks for the update, Tim. The game looks great so far.
Unnecessary post / language. I bet all of "complains" posts were more useful for game develop than the last one yours. People are just trying to display their opinions, some people may sound more polite, others less, but surely all of them will buy RF2 and will pay the same cashes than anyone. This is the aim of any discussion forum, all it all.
Good point. I'm a software developer and my hobby is realtime rendering. I can see ISI programmers learning new stuff about realtime graphics so I share my opinions, hoping they will be helpful. I'm not a person who will easily fall into praising ISI for whatever they do, neither I will fall into criticising them if I don't like something. If I see some things, that could be done differently and in my opitnion better, I will point them out. But not all at once Tyre damage looks just right. Trying to do something more would require displacement mapping which is very costly in terms of performance. Although having pressure deform tyre at vertex level would be good. As for drying line - I think what needed to be pointed out has been pointed out allready.
As a developer, probably you realized sometimes you're so involved into your project that you cannot figure points out which outside people instantly do.
Will the track dry and get black lines from wheels in an automatic (scripted) way or will it be realistic? I mean, if I drive on a track alone when the rain has just stopped, and I don't use the optimal trajectory, will the lines dry where I do drive instead of ideal line? And another question. If I play alone (for testing) and drive on a dirty part of road for 10 or 20 laps, will it become clean? Will the tire marks on the track stay there for the whole racing weekend and will they change track's adhesion dynamically or will the track's adhesion map be preprogrammed? Will we be able to break different parts of suspension, aerodynamics, etc. in cars? Will parts be deformable after damage? What parts can be damaged?
rFactor 2 will be very dynamic so I'm pretty sure the track will dry up realistic. I can't say how long tire marks will stay on the track but it's likely that they stay the whole racing weekend.Furthermore they will change track's adhesion for sure. If you are driving on a dirty part of the road it will clean up too.
They said in the past (quite a long time ago now) that the dry lines are based on where cars drive, not just some preconceived racing line. Of course, WIP goals - and even 'current' behaviour - aren't guaranteed to make it to the final release, because everything has to actually be able to work. (and that means no/few bugs, CPU load, graphics load, memory load, and bandwidth constraints) *Nice cross-posting by the way, McArcher...
Has anyone tried experimenting with time lapse stuff in rF2? I've been trying it (mostly because I let the AI run races by themselves a lot while I work to test stuff). Here's my latest:
Yes it does. I had to change wind direction to get the clouds moving the way I wanted them. I was using one of our internal builds (62), so if that wasn't in 60, it's possible they added it. Regards teasing, you knew we were testing it. There's proof.