Nice video i'd like to see some water puddles when tracks is drying, actually seems to be a lot uniform.
Nice to see how complex the whole process is, definitely give us some insight into the level of thought that has gone into the game I agree with the poster that said you should give us a video of a car driving in the wet I think nearly everything we have seen is from Spa or Sepang
I also believe that the reflection is a little over the top Tim. The grandstand's reflection at 1:27 is perfect for a heavy wet condition I'd say, everything before that is a little too much. Like others already said, it looks too much like a mirror. But this whole technology, goddamn! I'm really impressed by those marbles. I think I've read sometime in an interview that cars will even carry dirt, grass and so on back onto the track. When you haven't attended some real 24h races you can't imagine how much rubber and dirt's lying on the outside of every sharp turn after a couple of hours. It's just mind blowing. How were the marbles done in this WIP btw? By texture, particles? It looks pretty cool, but Youtube's and Facebook's compression still won't give away all the details, even on HD. Another thing that came to my mind: What about the other way 'round? I mean, can the rain wash away the marbles and stuff, especially on sloped sections? Greez Rob
Personally, I don't see much drying line there. At some point there is some white thing showing up (what's that? ) but best line in the corner exit (where the thing is most noticable for me) still is mirroring the tribunes, until the whole track almost dries out and the best line got more rubber on. Also, that might be because of tarmac color and shaders. As someone already said, it looks a bit like you put a glass (or ice) plate and spill water on it. Reflections are visible even when the whole tarmac already looks dry. I think, it should look more like this, while it's wet: On the picture, you can see wide drying line even though the track is still wet and in many places you can find rests of rain pools. Also, at the begining of the rF2 WIP video, tarmac reflects nice blue sky, while on the track we see definatelly cloudy conditions ;-) As for moving cloud shadows... there is not much of them that clearly visible (I'm talking about local changes within half a minute and faster). One noticable is at 1:37, but it looks like it is global (the whole scene darkens - on the left hill, on the track in front of the camera and further away on the right). Now, take a look at this video (I speed it up by 8 times): FIA GT Spa 2009 cloud shadows If rFactor 2 will be simulating local shadows from moving clouds, then maybe that kind of video could show it better? EDIT: Good questions! EDIT2: Couldn't resist ;-) Tyre marks on wet surface, rain pools... it would be nice to have them. Just take a look at that FIA GT Spa wet
Another thing to remember: In rain, reflection should be distorted by drops falling down, so there should be no such 'perfect' mirror effect. And still the same question: What Gijon takled about in interview 2 years ago, since this effect is WIP today?
The rain itself looks like its only falling right in front of the camera. Like a layer that was added as an afterthought.
Have to admit i thought that aswell. I guess thats a software limitation though, something like that must be incredibly difficult to achieve I'd like to see an incar video of rain on a windshield, we already saw an open wheel helmet view a while back which looked good. Overall it seems we are still quite a while away from release
exactly what I noticed too many reflections. In the video, the track is more like a lake rather than asphalt to beat the rain
Same impression for me. Do you think will be possible to have water puddles with aquaplaning effect? I think it' a very important effect to have a realistic sense of driving on the wet. By the way great work till now!
I'm totally there with LesiU. First of all - it's a mistake to think that adding more reflection will make road look more wet. If there's water standing on the road, even 1mm of it - you have reflection and that's it. Track doesn't get more shiny, no matter if there's 1mm of water or 5cm of water. Then, there's wet track but with no water standing on top of it - this one will have very blurry reflection and be darker than dry road. What I see on this WIP movie is something else, something completely different to reality. That's why I'm assuming that real purpose of this movie was to show how drying line "works", not how it looks No, it's not that difficult and there are definitely no limitations preventing that. It's actually a myth. that good visuals are in conflict with good physics or gameplay. With a reasonably well written engine even single-core CPU will have a lot of free time while GPU is working. The only reason why would anybody have to choose between physics and visuals is manpower of company / programmer's experience / release date restrictions. In ISI's case I think it's more down to what kind of projects they usually do. They're not strictly game developers and their products are not valued for having good visuals.
Yup. In this day and age the average PC is very capable of both physics AND graphics. That thought is a carry over from the Pentium I or perhaps Pentium II days I think.
I think if the reflections on track was more "curved" or "twisted" (I don't know the English word for it) the visual would be more convincent. Watter puddles don't reflect the objects as a glass mirror, they deform the images. I don't know if it's possible without complex coding and, at the end, it's not a doomsday. Anyway, less "vertical" rain would be nice, maybe random angles changing at ease. Same case above. I'm happy those aspects are not visual only but affect the track physics as well. And, I know, ISI guys are excited about Sepang track but would be nice see other tracks as examples for WIP.