Released rFactor 2 Store | Now Available

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    rFactor2 also does... If you buy Honda Civic and Long Beach independent they're more expensive than buying Q1 2023 pack...
  2. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    not like this, Raceroom makes a discount for the pack, when it's released
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Yes different companies have different price structures. You are comparing a title still using, for example, dx9 vs dx11. The cost of updating to DX11 AND the subsequent graphic upgrades become part of every DLC price point. Raceroom keeps their costs lower and can offer their products at a lower price. Well done for them.
    iR users want rF2 to be X
    RR users want Y
    ACC users can't understand why Z doesn't work the same.
    Let each title be itself and let them grow as best they may.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  4. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    that is exactly what rf2 is doing and what @ Rui Santos meant. The pack is already at discounted price at release , if you were compare it to the price of individual items.
    Q1 2023 pack is 14% cheaper than individual items of that pack if you buy them separately.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  5. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    No, raceroom pack is cheaper than single car, like for rF2, but what I say is for the first week of the release in Raceroom, they make a discount for the pack, do you understand ?
    It's not about lower cost, it's about reward those who buy first.
  6. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I'm confused, so for Example; If I buy the Honda Civic BTCC on its own for £5 one day, but weeks later a Pack gets released say with "Track A, Track B, Fancy Car 1 & Honda Civic BTCC" for £20 - if I already own the Honda the pack is still £20?

    What I hope would happen in that scenario is that the Pack is £15, minus the £5 I'd already of paid for the Honda, seeing as I already bought it.

    So currently as it stands we have to pay again for the car (track whatever) we already own?
  7. Bill Worrel

    Bill Worrel Registered

    May 1, 2019
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  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You left rF2 about the time DLC became a thing didn't you? This has been a recurring topic for that entire time. The only comfort is knowing that the package prices often make up for the extra car you purchased.
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Just in addition to the above, which I'm sure has cleared up any confusion for you, in general terms your hope here is already unrealistic - because the packs are an effective discount. You could never expect to receive the item's full price off the group discount amount.

    In this case of course, there is no discount, so it's a moot point.

    I suppose now with the whole race against un-owned content thing in place, this will be the new complaint - as it's the old complaint, but now lots of fresh new users will find out about it after the fact.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  10. Owen Pyrah

    Owen Pyrah Registered

    May 26, 2022
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    Discount for the bundles is currently applied as % of total. But with the way the packaging works it can't handle part packs.

    R3E has a pretty clever system for it which does, but even that's not perfect. Like I bought premium a few years ago and now there's been so much extra content it is actually cheaper for me to scrap my account and buy premium again from a new account than it would be to buy the missing content.

    To make it fair, if there's say a 37% dicount on the pack, this should decrease the fewer items you actually need. So if you own everything but one track you can't just buy the 'pack' to get a 37% discount on that track.

    I'm sure studio are looking into a way to improve the packaging, but can see it being a complex task unpicking all the old work and also coming up with a better way of doing it. But yeah, I'm sort of with you in that there's overlaps with the packs and you don't want to end up losing out on a package deal because you already own some of it individually.

    I came across this sheet by Michi Hoyer which has all the packs on it. I made a copy and converted to AUD. You could make a copy yourself if you like.

    The prices for the tracks and cars are on their tabs. For the ones I've owned I've set the price to zero. So on the packs page I can see which packs have the best value based on what I already own. Sort of thinking Reiza tracks or IndyCar next. See here the Formula Pro pack has only a 3% discount for me, that's normally a good one to buy because it's 50% discount.

    EDIT: I realise it looks a bit insane using sheets to work out purchases But that's me really, you don't need to. I also made one for iRacing and that was complex as ought. Also really want to make it count when the content is 2x the price and never meets the standards of studio's content.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  11. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Ok thanks all, yeah I was hoping for a RaceRoom style system, so with the new "race against content you don't own" I'll just have to think harder about single purchases as I'm less inclined to buy Packs now. (Car packs that is)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023

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