I just got myself a new GPU. And was thinking of a clean install. I have'nt tried steam version yet, is it better than the old way? Right now my rf2 folder is 60 gb, I need to clean up!
I was more thinking of workshop and how to handle updates and all that. But I'm fine with the old way. Just don't wanna miss out on things thru steam if there are benefits in there. I also have steam allready for arma 3.
I don't know if it's a Steam Workshop glitch or an issue or what but at the moment RF2 will not update when new official content (ISI/3PA) stuff comes out. Only content you already happen to have will be updated if an update comes out (and updates to the base-game of course). So, unless you always follow news, threads, etc. to research what official content becomes released so that you can manually go in and download yourself, your RF2 content list will not get updated (again, besides content you already happen to have).
That's not true at least for me. I got all the latest official content automatically. Though I'm not sure if Apple valley 1.06 was released afterwards in which case I haven't noticed Steam downloading it. It could be also that this fix was released before I logged in Steam so it was part of the downloaded package (haven't checked which version I have). I just feel that sometimes it's unclear what it's downloading. I haven't checked lately how much 3rd party stuff there is in Workshop but about month ago there wasn't much yet.
I don't use Steam for rF2 largely because what you described has been my experience with all the titles I do have in Steam. Most of them I don't really care, but I want to know exactly what versions of what are in my rF2 and when they are updating, so until/unless that aspect of Steam is ever changed, I'd rather handle it myself.
By the way, maybe it`s just me, or it isn`t possible to search simply by title (all files / sorted by title) in the workshop?
The whole point with Steam is to have the game automatically update (including content), not having to search for every car and track that gets released. When AC or pCars get new cars/tracks they will also be auto downloaded unless it's a paid DLC, but none seems to complain about that on their forums.
The whole point for me is, i dont want to have every bs on my disk or in my rF2 installation, e.g. half finished tracks/mods and ui`s. If the workshop contains ISI and 3PA stuff only, it would be fine, to get this stuff automaticly. But it isn`t...
the workshop is great! Easy to use and if you subscribe to a mod or track it automaticly updates it. So easy compared to the 'old' way. You're always running the most recent version of a track/mod. It's also possible to install things the 'old' way with the Steam version. I see no reason why you don't go to steam version other than the league you are racing in is using an older built/version.
Steam only download workshop content that you have subscribed too... if you subscribe for nothing, it will only auto download the ISI (3pa) contents.
Eh... this is exactly what it does. If it downloaded every workshop piece ever released you would by now probably have a 1 TB rF2 installation.
But it should download all ISI/3PA stuff automatically which is what I thought was supposed to happen. i thought we were supposed to automatically be subscribed to "Image Space incorporated" and therefore automatically downloaded anything released. Instead, I have no idea what's what and what has come out since x time I played. I still have to mamually check news releases, forums, or car/track lists or whatever just so I can have my game updated. It must be a Steam Workshop (SW) issue, not an ISI one. I guess SW doesn't allow you to subscribe to an actual user, but rather just 1-by-1 individual pieces of content. 1) Can you search content according to release date while filtering-out content you already have? 2) Can you filter/search results in order of user's/uploadeder's name? 3) Can you filter/search according to user/uploader in-order to have only content from that user/uploader show? 4) Can you filter/search according to mod-type? Eg. vehicles/cars, circuits, weapons/guns, maps/levels, graphics, sounds, UI, items.
Hello. I search in this topic&forum, steam and google and didn't find the answer. Can anyone tell me how this works and if i can turn auto-renewal off in any time (like in Iracing)? Thanks in advance.
hi guys quick question here on rfactor 2 website you can get the standard game at $43.99 and it lifetime for $84.99 now the standard game at $43.99 says it includes 1 years online services now i am buying the game via steam will i still get the 1 years online services if i buy via steam. any info would be great cheers steve
Steam only gives 2 options. The cheapest option, 31.99, requires you to buy 1 year of online separately. Unlike non-Steam, you will never be able to upgrade to lifetime (which would be a $52 affair). If you plan on playing the game for the next 4 years or some point beyond that, get lifetime.
People bagged rF2 as too dear but they should have been questioning why the others are so dear to offline only. ie: AC is 50% dearer then rF2 to offline all content.