So many KNOW it alls on this site telling ppl they are whiners, whingers and anything else they can come up with. I thought ppl asking ?'s was for the more knowledgeable ppl to help out other community members rather than complain about what QUESTIONS they are asking no matter how DUMB you think they are. ( forum going to the crap with smart asses ) I WAS ALWAYS TOLD IF YOU DONT KNOW ASK...............................................AM I WRONG ?
Hey guys. I bought yesterday the lifetime rfactor 2 version via steam. My in game setting steering rate "Vehicle set" doesn't work. I'm using a Logitech G25. Logitech Profiler set to 900° Steering rate. "Allow that the game can change the settings." is enabled in the Logitech Profiler Global settings. If i set it to Vehicle set, ingame, it doesn't apply when i go on the Track. The Kart for instance should have a Vehicle set Steering rate around 180°, but if i go on the Track, it is still at 900° I tried running both as a Admin and without. Not quite sure if running the rfactor 2 steam link as a admin is doing something. But i don't think thats the problem or maybe it is because of the steam implementation. I even reinstalled evrything. Nothing changed. Please help.
It doesn't work like this, you have to change angle in profiler, in rfactor2 settings you only changing angle of steering wheel visualisation. At least that is how it work for me.
I never touch what I set in my Thrustmaster configuration screen, 1080° for my T500RS, and in game, it's automatically set regarding which car I drive, and always match the visual wheel. When I reach the steering limit for the vehicle, wheel stop thanks to FFB (I can override this by forcing but that don't have, obviously, any impact on the visual wheel and on the car).
Logitech Profiler overrides Ingame Vehicle Set steering rotation Thanks for your reply Denstjiro. I checked the link. The Problem this dude had was solved by turning off the steering help in the difficult settings. I just checked - mine was as expected off. So thats not solving my problem. As i said before i checked every typical reason for this: starting as a admin, "allow game to change" in the profiler settings, creating profile for the game in the settings, reinstalled the profiler and the game many times.. nothing solves the problem that the car in the games drives the 900 degrees set in the profiler. No matter wich car. Im using G25 and Windows 7. Im starting to believe that this is some major rfactor 2 steam bug because i have no problems with other games. Since the steam version is new im curious if there are other people complaining about it now. If someone has some new suggestions im still open to it. Greetings and thanks again for the reply.
I'm curious as heck if this turns out to be a success or if it was a flop. I do know now that Steam gets a large cut of the cost so in the end it this is all worth it to ISI or not.
I don't change anything. I leave my thrustmaster profiler set at 900, the rF2 software does the rest.
Ok.. not sure, It is supposed to work... Check your driving Aid to be sure steering help is at off... be sure that your controller.ini is not locked for a particualar reason... I remember back in the day when I had a wheel without customizable wheel rotation if I changed the setting it was changing visually into the game. DO you know if take a skip barber does the in-game wheel turn 900 degree or not ?
Not true. Have you tried using "Global Profiler Settings"? I don't have a Logitech anymore, but ever since rF2 added 64bit, the profiler had trouble with profiles for rF2 because there are two rF2.exes. Using Global settings cured it if I remember correctly.
Hey guys. Thanks for the replys. Im using Global Profiler Settings. Driving aid or steering help is off of course. I reinstalled everything. I runned both as a admin - at least i tried. Because when you run the steam version (from steam itself or the rfactor2.exe) there is like a popup window which lets you download stuff and choose between single or multiplayer, development mode and so on. Then it starts the game. After trying everything which may solve the problem after googling it, im curious if this is not maybe a major bug of the fresh new steam version and if more people are affected. Other Games like AC and ProjectC work fine with the Profiler.
Since ISI made everyone initially subscribe to their Steam Workshop content I figure the most popular item is probably the "best" gauge. The Corvette C6RGT2 2009 is currently the most popular item with almost 5,000 subscriptions. One would think the most popular item would be the least unsubscribed. The other thing that throws a wrench in that number is we have no idea how many people traded their non-Steam version for a Steam key and then installed it.
Race Events item is probably something nearly everyone has subscribed and it's in the same sub 5000 range. According to some news piece an average Steam game sells "only" 32 000 copies (AC and pCars both sold over 250k). Reflecting on this, the rF2 number is disappointing. Hopefully it will improve over the upcoming holidays.