Hi guys! Here is a picture about my GPU and CPU all cores usage: This is the official GTE car on the official Virginia Circuit. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and a RTX2060. As you can see CPU3 does a lots of work, and I think thats why my gpu usage is very low. But I'm a bit frustrated that some other cores on 0-5%. I tried the controller.json tricks: - Use Thread to true - Use Additional Hardware Features to false My experience with the "Use Thread" was this: - When "Use thread" was on default (false), CPU9 was on 80-90% all the time, sometimes 100% - When I set "Use Thread" to true, the CPU9 usage was transferred to CPU3, so that didn't helped much. When I drive alone usually I have GPU usage 97-98%, what is totally okay, but when I start a race with AI cars, my fps drops down to 50-60 and I see that my GPU usage is at 60-70%. So my CPU holds back my GPU when there are other cars around me. And this is what I expreience in multiplayer too. I have 2 question: 1. Is it normal what I experience? 2. If yes, rFactor 2 will be optimized to use more cores in the future? Are they planning some kind of multicore optimisation after releasing new user interface? Or I have to buy a new CPU if I want to use the power of my GPU? Thanks, P.
Before embarking upon the New UI and online competition, S397 made two large stabs at improving performance and then several smaller optimizations. I don't think the original program was ever multi-core friendly and while it does make use of more than one core, it probably doesn't really gain that much. I would suggest over-driving your cpu might produce more fps gains than multi-threading.(I'd actually recommend one of the newest Ryzens or the I7/9 Intels(Pricey, I know) 50 to 60fps avg. with AI is rather low, I have an I7=6700 paired with a much slower vid card than you have, rx-480x8. I average around 90 to 110 depending upon the car and track, that is with 20 to 30 AI. If you cannot afford a newer cpu, I would lower your graphic settings, especially the number of visible cars and shadows. The JSON files contain a-lot of hidden gems that can also improve performance, such things as limiting the number of trackside vehicles, the number of visible headlights and turning off the rain particles. Some say even in nice sunny weather, if you leave the raindrops enabled you lose fps. Now to answer your question. I don't 'think' S397 will make another full-on attempt at improving graphic performance. Indeed I believe the opposite is true, the added Cockpit textures of the new Ferrari GTE have been shown to drag down performance. When they moved to DX11 they probably gained 10-15% after a slow start and other teething problems. Don't expect much more. The VR dudes are also begging for better performance, but I just don't know how much more in left in that 8 year old engine.
even with a i9 9900K oc at 5ghz I can't max the GPU in many situations....the 911 cup car is the worst.....and of course with many AI it reduces the GPU usage....but it's very smooth, I play at 1440p ultra PP ultra.
Just reading this thread as I've been thinking about getting one of the latest generation video cards i.e rtx 3080 etc. If the CPU is the bottleneck then would there be any real benefit to move from an rtx2070 to rtx3080?
I'm on a Ryzen 3600 at the moment with an all core clock @ 4.2Ghz. Fantastic for every other game and application but probably not the best for rfactor2 unfortunately.
I was looking for the same info. Can't do smooth AI racing in VR. I have a 6700K @ 4Ghz, 2070 Super, and 16gb. fpsVR shows CPU frames causing the stutter.
Probably worth doing what I did. Use MSI afterburner or something similar to log: GPU occupancy, GPU memory utilisation, GPU temperature, CPU occupancy, CPU frequency, CPU temperature, RAM usage and FPS. I have mine to log data at 10hz (100ms). I then do a test race in RF2 and analyse the results in MS Excel or Libre Office Calc. (CSV file). After that you can see what is maxing out. I found that on some circuit and car combinations my GPU ram was maxed out. Solution, reduce texture detail and also track detail. I also found that I had occasional CPU spikes to 100%. Solution, clean out as many windows startup tasks and services and try and get GPU occupancy as near to 0 as possible before starting RF2. Finally I found that my GPU occupancy can be but what I think happens is that it dips whenever Oculus enables synchronous space warp (40fps), when ASW isn't enabled then GPU occupancy can be quite high.
I have a old PC, x99 board with xeon e5 1660 v3, OC to 4600/uncore 3800, and 32gb ram 3200 at 2666 15/15/15/36/1. Play VR with HP reverb at 150% steam SS and in wmr everything at the max, with 60hz. With a modified player.json file, and the following settings: AA=4 PE= Medium VR=HMD+Mirror Resolution (monitor)=1920x1080. The game runs always at 60fps fixed, except in Targa Florio at the start, in the boxes, after getting out of the start, 60 fps fixed, with (20 cars in targa florio) at Nord´s, always 60 fps with 30 cars field...the only cars in cannot drive in each of this 2 circuits´s is a mod called f1 historic cars, all this in VR. My only complain is that the vibrations, cockpit movement is not smooth, don´t seem to have the same fps as the rest of the animation, a jerk movement. Core more utilized overs between 25% and 75%, but usually stays at 53%. GPU between 50% and 90%, depends in the circuit and cars. Ps: Targa Florio is the 0.24 version, because in VR the 0.25 is impossible, even with just 1 car. In the isle of Man, is smooth, but every 15 second´s i have a millisecond "pause" in the GPU..so something strange with the circuit, it is the only one with that strange behavior.
Wow that's a good result. I have a Ryzen 3600 with an all core clock of 4.2ghz, 32gb of DDR4 3600 and an RTX 2070 and struggle for FPS on my RiftS
Well, after the new update I had to turn AA to 3, but that gave the GPU a good margin, tested in Sebring at Night end,time x5 with circuit at medium and 30 cars, visible 12, 60 fps.