No need to be rude. Just misunderstood what you are asking This is how its config now: This is how it shows offline: This is how it shows in multiplayer: What i was trying to do is setting (multiplayer and single player) my nick to sluis74
Yeah its strange. Can some developer please elaborate? I have no idea why my nick in the launcher is "Alex72" as i dont remember adding that anywhere when installing rF2. I just thought it came from my Steam display name. Or maybe i did have to add it during installation but i dont remember... Would be nice to have control over MP and SP how its displayed.
Can you please open the player.JSON and Multiplayer.JSON and tell us what is entered in the Fields for the Names. In player.JSON look for Player Name and Player Nick In Multiplayer.JSON look for Lobby Chat Nickname
In player.json: "Player Name":"sluis 74", "Player Nick":"Sergio Luis Hamilton", In Multiplayer.json: "Lobby Chat Nickname":"", "Lobby Chat Nickname#":"Nickname to use in Lobby Chat, if this is blank player name will be used", Interesting but cannot understand how my player.json assume my nick is "Sergio Luis Hamilton" if that nick i can´t change is "sluishamilton" and what or where can i change to get "sluis 74". I will try just put "sluis 74" in blank space of multiplayer.json to see what happens knowing if i delete these files, rf2 software will recreate them
The launcher is fine for this except it only works for SP. When going online it shows a nickname from somewhere else. Launcher has "name", "last name" and "nickname" so if it just got added to MP the same way its added to SP all would be good.
You've said that you want to have sluis74 as Nickname in Single and Multiplayer. To get it that way, edit the player.JSON only and shut down the Game, before you edit and save the File. Replace "Player Name":"sluis 74", with "Player Name":"sluis74" and Replace "Player Nick":"Sergio Luis Hamilton" with "Player Nick":"sluis74" That should make it. If not, post here again. And sluishamilton is your Steam-Account Name i would say, that can't be changed in the Game.