Go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\.rFactor and you'll find rFactor.name, open it with notepad and change 3rd line and set the file as read only.
If you have a Folder called .rfactor in your C:\Users\Your Windows User Name\AppData\Roaming Folder, open it and then open the File rFactor.name with a Texteditor. There you can change your Nickname. If you don't find the Folder .rfactor, you have to enable to see hidden Folders in Windows, first. Lol, someone was a bit faster.
Tried but didn´t work. The rFactor.name only have first and surname. Not a 3rd line anymore Thanks anyway. Will try support via email
My Nickname in Game is a Combination of both Lines. If i change something, it appears in the Game. Try it out and check if it wasn't changed back again by the Game. If it was changed back, edit it again and set the File as read only, like Bozak said.
If worked for me mate. I could just click on first name and last name and write in new info. Nickname stays Steam name i think.
Thank you all but that only changes your real name in servers that requires real name, no? (which i think @Bernd is talking) And no Alex, steam name is diferent
Ah ok... Yeah my bad, you wanted to change "nickname". I read it the other way. Hmm, yeah i dont know how to change that. I dont even remember i put it in when i installed rF2 so i think it came from Steam because i have the same nick name in Steam. If its not Steam then i have no idea. @Christopher Elliott Do you know where the nickname in rF2 comes from?
Now i have to ask: can you post an ingame screenshot, where the name is shown that you want to change?
It seems to be trolling, if People want to help seriously and get useless Replies. My last try. I want to know what you call "Nickname". Because of that, i want to see a Screenshot from ingame, where the Name is shown. "Nickname" for me, is the Name that is shown e.g. in the Driverlist when you join a Server. And that can be changed as already described. If that don't works for you, you must mean another Name.
Look at my reply above with screenshot. Before when i drove it said "Alex72" in the lists like grid position etc, but now i changed first name and last name and i can see that in the sim now. Not sure where my nickname shows up as i just tested quickly. But it showed my nickname before and now it shows my name instead.