Hi, I'm having an issue with a mod that I'm converting, when I go to track, the game freezes with the low fuel and high engine temp icons on top left corner, then a "not responding" message (not a "stopped working" message) appears, letting me to wait for rF2 to respond or close it. I've checked the trace and this suspect line appears: "92.75s hdvehicle.cp 6041: After subtracting tire rigid ring mass and inertia from a wheel, the wheel's values went to zero or below! Note that this may be due to some combination of upgrades!" What can cause it, since the mod hasn't upgrades except for force feedback options? As I said at the beginning of the post, is a conversion, so I can only send files via PM.
It doesn't have to be an upgrade, it probably means exactly what it says, that is, tire mass or inertia is not correct in the mod, so the sim has to operate with negative values, which is not possible.
Check this out. Open the flex chassis.ini and scroll to the lines Inertia=.... and mass= of the 4 Wheel Entries Name="FL_WHEEL", Name="FR_WHEEL", Name="RL_WHEEL" and Name="RR_WHEEL". Then open the TGM Files that you use for the front and rear and compare the values of the lines TotalInertiaStandard=... and TotalMass=... with the Values from the chassis.ini. If the values in the TGM files are higher, you have found the problem. I have talked about this problem some time ago with chris (redapg) and i use his online tools if i convert mods from rfactor 1 to rfactor 2. The tools are here: http://meetme.bplaced.net/rF2_onlineTools/ If your Mod is no Conversion and you use the physics spreadsheet, you will have to enter the tgm values into the spreadsheet, if i remember right. Or you can try to edit the chassis.ini values by hand. But i don't know if that will work.