Recently we found a problem in some result log files(XML). I attached one of them in this thread. Problem: Player ksicide joined game and go for some laps, here are logs in the log file: But I can't find this player in <Driver> section in XML log file. Why? Thanks.
The attached log file shows the <driver> section for 1 driver only, even if there have been some more drivers on the server. So i would say that the <driver> section of a clients log file is written only for the driver, to that the log file belongs. I don't have a server running, but you could check if the log file of the server has the <driver> sections of all drivers, that have been on the server, included.
We have experienced the same error. I do not know if it is related, but we have detected it after installing a second instance on the same server, with another folder "player2" in UserData.