Brian, I had the wiper appearing and disappearing on the 370 @Mid-Ohio the other night. *edit Come to think of it, it was after I went back to 296.10 nVidia drivers.
Don't know if I should post this here but I will anyway,in a race in SinglePlayer mode I have 26 cars reving at the grid is just fine but when the light goes green and we all set off at mills to the first corner at the peak of the rev range I get a tremendous sound of SH*T what the hel* is happening its like the peak of the rev range I'm going deaf and I can hear a static white noise of in a tunneling effect this needs addressing can anyone confirm? From another perspective I feel it kind of drives pretty much like it should altho it still feels pretty stange, without feeling the g force from a mo-sim the steering feels not right but I do think it would feel right unless I been feeling motion forces if anyone can understand. The Clio looks great, the visual model I have no quarms with, in a pack my fov is filled with a realistic sence of environment detail wise, speed etc. Hdr and colour was good at first stationary at the grid but after a while turning a few corners kind of started feeling very over saturated at standard monitor settings and started ruining the natural feel of environment, too glowy, too much colour and not enough reflection. HDR needs a big correction with car colours going off this mod, colour luminostity needs attention, steering needs a little more attention. No not trolling b4 u ask.
I have to confirm this issue. When in corner and tyres are under load but traction is still here, centring forces are significantly lower. wheel is loose. It is not realistic. Very similar (if not the same) effect you may notice in rF1 with RealFeel and FWD cars. So probably it's design related issue rather than bug. But would be fine if FF would be closer to what we can feel in real car.
This car is just so much fun . Works well with the AI ,close racing with a bit off paint swapping Getting the sound bug , tried setting sounds to 32 , 64 and turning off the spotter makes no difference
Really fun car to drive, and I usually hat FWD cars. I was laughing so hard when I flipped it the first time, was a little bit unexpected but an extremely funny moment cause a friend and me were giving the Clio's a spin for the very first time and didn't see something like that coming. ^^
Tim: PLEASE start adding dates to items added in the download section! The latest Clio addition didnt even change the "Last Update" date on the thread...? It would make it soo muche asier to keep up, and know what you already have.
uninstalled 0.1 installed 1.0 no problems whatsoever Great fun little car to drive, AI "fixed" in 1.0 as well as they are as hard as nails now! Not fully understanding the lack of FFB when turned full lock either, even with no acceleration present it feels like driving on ice suddenly. I would imagine you'd feel some sort of "chatter" or something when the front wheels skid along the tarmac?
I was also wondering why a guy with a machine gun/electric typewriter was driving with me. Please make this noise go away!
View attachment 3140 (My spelling is probably worse than yours , just made me chuckle + I wish I had a ö in my name ! )
Thought this was a good video. Nearly an epic save @ 3:54 and his reaction is priceless, reminds me so much of myself
That's me in the green car at 2:22 - what happened there was, I was on the inside of my friend going into the hairpin, and was ready to pull out of the move and go back in behind him. Then I got a tap at the rear which sent me into my friend. Then all hell broke loose as shown there!
It looked a manic race. Watching it made me think of pCARS AI it's uncanny, really aggressive. They are Touring Cars though sort of, so only doing what they are made to do. Thought it was brilliant up on two wheels and he saved it and then nearly saved it again and then the beep.
Can't install this mod either. Same issue as in the screenshot - in mod manager, I have *** Unable to install the following mods ***. That's because I have the older Clio mod already installed, right? Wrong. What I have done, is in the multiplayer server list view, I have pushed the "downlaod mod" button for older Clio mod, but that way it did not install that mod. I thought it did nothing, but in my packages folder it added about 1mb "clio something.rfmod" file. Now, in the mod manager program, I cannot do nothing about it. I don't have the intalled version of clio mod in the listing. I only have it in the *** Unable to install the following mods *** list. There I can only see the properties of it. Cannot re-install it. So what I did was I went to my packages folder and deleted the 1mb false rfmod file. Now back in the mod manager, the clio mod is not in the *** Unable to install the following mods *** list. It is not listed anywhere, even though I have the correct clio mod file in the packages folder. So what next? Re-install rF2?