Released Reiza Pack Out Now!

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    To me this remains a ridiculous notion. The actual release date doesn't prove anything, asking or offering an apology is silly.

    To continue this argument when Reiza is actively working to have it released is borderline delusional, especially suggesting WEC somehow won't be happy about it.

    Even if you assume some sort of conflict: Imola is already in rF2. o_O
  2. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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    This is not a valid excuse, we are in the digital age and a simple contact between your team and Renato Simioni would resolve this issue in minutes. Apparently the work has already been done by Reiza.
    Please be more honest with RF2 players.
    gagipro and Ayrton de Lima like this.
  3. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    This silence it's unbeliavable and a the lack of respect with the rF2 userbase that one year ago were giving money into MG aswell as many others meanwhile. This kind of "moves" only make people stay away from MG in the future. Is it so hard to make some updates to rF2, based on what you're already doing with LMU?? One thing won't ruin the other! Honestly...
    gagipro, AKR and Alessio Feletto like this.
  4. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    In truth, what is happening is that one thing is going to be ruined and everything, just in this last news we had I believe that if for free few people play, imagine charging a monthly fee like iRacing which is already ridiculous, paying dearly for the car and still paying a monthly fee, there is people who just want the car and play offline, won't they have the right to buy the car? I don't know that because it wasn't very clear, I believe that MSG's management must not be thinking too much.
  5. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I'm not making excuses. It sounds like you've missed the little detail that I am no longer at Studio 397 (since two years now). I am merely explaining the situation and, like you, I do not know if Reiza actually delivered those files or not. That is for them to confirm.
  6. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Sorry, I did not know. It seems to me that you were one of the few who responded here on the forum. Now the 397 feedback should have ended here
    Marcel Offermans likes this.
  7. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    Both studios are small and currently engaged with projects that demand their complete attention. Remaining focused is crucial to achieve objectives that rely on specific prerequisites or sequential completion. Prioritization is key and there's likely way more involved than we understand.

    iRacing continues to refine existing systems and add new features and content with a bright future ahead. New graphics features / new FFB / New tire model / new sounds / a physical drive-train model / AI improvements / etc. All this on top of the best online Racing system in existence. How do they do it? ($$$)

    I don't subscribe to the service but, there's no doubt that the pay-model is successful for iRacing. They are working on advances like never before.

    IF MSG employs a subscription pay model, I hope they at least allow offline players to access the game and purchased content, either for free or at a significantly reduced rate.
    avenger82 likes this.
  8. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Very serious question and I have real concerns about it :

    Wouldn't it simply be illegal or at least totally immoral not to allow sometimes very old users not to use the game they paid for and the DLC which cost them more than €200 without buying a newly arrived subscription ?

    If they do that, and I would be surprised if they could legally do it, I would be totally scandalized frankly !

    I dont play online personnally.​
    Lewbuttoni and Ayrton de Lima like this.
  9. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    I think in the same way, ISI charged for online and I bought it because I played with friends, a lot of people always complained about not having online with their own game servers and not being able to buy separate cars, now there is and almost no one plays, if they are going to charge... ... I hope they don't include exclusive content for those who pay a subscription.
    Lewbuttoni likes this.
  10. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, this has morphed into paying for offline access, though I'm not sure how...

    @pilAUTO and @RaceNut : in a nutshell, what has been mooted/'teased' is subscription access to more premium RaceControl services (which may mean most, probably not all, of the racing in RaceControl).

    Again to note: this isn't an announcement, so details aren't final, but that's no reason to be scared of frankly wild speculation.

    The quote from the Overtake article, which I believe fairly depicts what was said by Stephen Hood:

    “We are bringing a subscription service to both our rFactor 2 and Le Mans Ultimate products, leveraging our RaceControl platform which has over 100,000 registered users all playing within our ecosystem,”

    “A gradual ramp of subscriptions is expected as we build the value proposition for players looking to get even more entertainment out of this exciting experience."

    “Although we believe a free component of the online RaceControl offering will continue, it is up to us to convince players of the value presented by a subscription service."

    Note the last line about convincing players that any subscription is worthwhile; how likely do you think it is, that they can convince existing rF2 users who have paid for the game and DLC, that they should pay a subscription to access that game and content? It's not. So, most likely scenario, especially given the references to RaceControl, is that this won't happen.

    In my opinion anyone suggesting otherwise better have something more than this earnings call (or variously worded headlines/stories inspired by it) to support their claims.
    Martin Vindis and pkelly like this.
  11. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Thank you for this clarification, I had not read or listened to the statements given by the boss of mg.

    So it is indeed a simple possibility, the modalities of which have not been defined and recorded... that I understood well.

    But what I didn't know and what I feared was that obviously logically it is only a subscription for online whatever form it takes.

    So the offline is not concerned, and the 250 or 300 € of DLC that I paid belong to me and I can use them whenever I want whatever happens on our good old rfactor 2. :)

    I admit to putting a little worried without having informed myself, but to tell the truth I am expecting the worst at the moment regarding my favorite simulation.

    But at least it's clarified.

    pkelly likes this.
  12. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Don't trust half of what's written in this forum which is just negative thoughts. It might seem exaggerated, but I think the worst is already happening and it's this layer of negativity surrounding us and giving new users a doomed feeling. We don't need detractors, or maybe they are infiltrated in our community.

    Back to the topic, I don't think Reiza or S397 deserve this negativity. They'll have their reasons to do what they do. I'd just like they opened more about this DLC update because it has been teased a few times already.
  13. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    No one deserves negativity, I think Reiza, even though I don't play her simulators, is doing a great job with AMS, 2 things that should be done in rF2, but Studio simply shuts up with questions, and doesn't update its own content, And a lot of people are worried about this, I don't wish the studio any harm, but as a business owner I see that they are treating their customers and products like nothing...
    Schumi and Rui Santos like this.
  14. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    Consider the larger trend with software and other services relying more on subscription pay models. It clearly works for companies. It just doesn't work so well for those that only require occasional or limited product use at full pay-rate.

    I've had some pretty terrible experiences with subscription-based professional software, and so have a lot of other business owners.
    Broken promises.
    Ayrton de Lima likes this.
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    There are reasons that works, from piracy to simply not having that much to add year on year (so people can make do with old versions) but still needing to support, bugfix, and add features for more specialised applications.

    It doesn't make any sense to paywall offline content in rF2, the backlash would be huge, and no one has hinted at it.

    Nothing's impossible, but if you aren't checking for meteorites every time you step outside I wouldn't worry about rF2 being fully subscription only.
  16. Johnny Speed

    Johnny Speed Registered

    Aug 3, 2021
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    I thought this thread was about updating Reiza content in rFactor 2? And to be honest, I don't care if they update it at all...I got what I paid for and it's fine. The tracks look fine, the cars are fine as they are. What are you wanting? Reiza cars with rF2 physics? Good luck. They had their chance and we are. Ain't gonna happen. The ship has sailed.

    EDIT: In my opinion, the AMS2 versions of the cars are not worth putting into rFactor 2.
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    8Ball, pkelly and David Short like this.
  17. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    Renato failed to deliver - or even reply here - for months or even more than a year, after promising the update.
    If someone here deserves criticism first is Reiza.
    The reason for delay on publishing the updated content is unknown. Last time that Renato said "tomorrow" (or something of this ilk) he was "away for the birth of his child" and you never know what is real and what is only partially real.
    It could be that LMU's Imola will use some content/assets from Reiza on top of the scan made now and that this what has been delaying the process - for instance, due to negotiations.
    Johnny Speed likes this.
  18. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    The tracks need colour balancing as they are overly saturated and overly reflective (grass, trees, ...).
    Whoever has been at the helm of Race Control has, very intelligently and a huge upgrade in relation to the previous consulate, set atmospheric conditions which tame down the mismatch between the new GFX engine parameters and the old shaders (a simple retune - see Toban, Mills Metro and NOLA would have been super, already).
  19. Johnny Speed

    Johnny Speed Registered

    Aug 3, 2021
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    My thoughts after a few beers..

    Imagine that Reiza does drop the update for the cars and tracks for their rFactor 2 DLC.

    Imagine that the tracks and cars are so much better in rF2 than they are in AMS2. More dynamic, better physics ect.

    People who have both games WILL make comparisons. I know I will.

    There will be youtube videos and blog posts and non-stop bad press for AMS2 (They never should have used the Madness Engine...blah blah blah) it will open another can of worms that Reiza does not want opened.

    I am willing to bet that is the reason for the "delay". The Reiza content in rF2 is (or will be) better than it is in AMS2.

    Simple as that.
  20. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    They don't need to release an update for it to be the case. Not like the update will change any physics.
    Besides, wasn't the update supposed to be for "cosmetics"? New textures, PBR materials, etc.
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