Hi all,I am a newbie to rF2 with very little experience in rF1. I am trying to build the physics for my first car and I am using your rFactor Physics Calculator v0.35. However I have a very basic question. I would like to know where is the Reference plane or the origin point for a rF2 vehicle. It would be great to know, a pictorial representation would be even great. Looking forward for your response. Best Regards
Looking into the rF2 Physics calculator v0.35, It seems like the reference is taken at the CG point. Could it be ?
For me the reference is the bottom of the car. For the aero position it's the center of the rear wheels (rear axe) For the front wing position it's the center of front wheels (front axe)
It is not standardized, although people tend to analyze and re-use other's conventions . Bottom of the car, CG were both common.