Recurrent NVIDIA Driver Crashes and Erratic GPU Usage

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by ECAR_Tracks, May 9, 2016.

  1. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Thanks, I'll give it a try.
  2. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Reducing number of pre-rendered frames did not help with driver crashes, however I noticed something interesting.

    As I mentioned, recently this started happening to me way more often. And unfortunately, I suspect it is caused by the Weather Tool, which for me is absolutely a must for rF2 :( I recently bumped refresh rate in the tool from default 173 seconds to 50 seconds, and I started to get crashes more often. I also can see that tool queries server around the time when crash is happening. So, I suspect crash might be caused by delays caused by plugin or by the updates to current weather.

    I bumped refresh rate to ~5 minutes, to rule out a coincidence, and just noticed driver crash exactly around time Weather Server queries for weather update. I also found this post, apparently there's a problem with setting weather from the plugin

    UPDATE: It happens even without weather plugin enabled. I tried using .wet files instead, and crash still happens. Maybe problem is in weather transitions themself.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
    Adrian likes this.
  3. speedo59

    speedo59 Registered

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Hello everyone
    For now 3 weeks, impossible to play rfactor2
    The game starts, I load the circuit and car and when I leave the garage, my three screens are off and my computer continues to rotate, impossible to access the menu or other, I reinstaller rfactor2 via steam, always the same worry,
    I play with all the market simus no worries, i would love to have your opinion,
    Nvidia driver update 376.09
    I7 4770K
    GTX 690 SLI
    32 GO Ram
    3 screens 27 "
    License Lifetime since 2015
    Please give me a solution
  4. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Something I've learned that rF2 old timers know, but someone new, like me, might not.
    rF2 allows resume from replay. So if you are playing single player and driver crashes ruin your races, check this out:
    And bonus, realistically scaled 24hr races, that fit into real life :)
    David Kolody likes this.
  5. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Maybe a long shot, but I was using a program called display fusion, and I was getting a lot of driver crashes in rocket league and planetside2, none that I remember in rf2, but I haven't been playing as much lately. Anyway, I uninstalled that program and everything's been running great. So if you have that program, try disabling it for a bit.
    The Iron Wolf likes this.
  6. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Thanks for sharing. I am not using this tool, but I am getting impression that those hangs might be caused by CPU activity in places other than main game loop of rF2. While my crashes didn't stop with disabling Weather Plugin, from my testing crashes with plugin occurred exactly at time query for weather was happening. Now, I am seeing something else, for example - I saw certain windows service starting up/shutting down around crashes. It's almost like driver is too sensitive to delays and kills itself, assuming it hang.

    Has anyone tried threaded optimization settings in Nvidia driver? Disabling that will probably harm FPS, but maybe gain stability. Long shot as well.
  7. Adrian

    Adrian Registered

    Dec 3, 2012
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    I've been having these problems too, I have tried the following things; reinstalling RF2, reinstalling RF2 on a different drive, reinstalling windows, various nvidia drivers going back to about July, no controllers plugged in, stock content only, random mods.

    Anywhere between 1-10 mins into a session I will get a black screen bugged sound etc for about 5 seconds, FFB will also die then come back about 3 seconds prior to the display recovering. Also these crashes will keep happening at about the same frequency as long as I keep playing.

    The only thing I have found that has reduced the frequency of the crashes is setting the weather to sunny (the preset) only.

    Is there anything (logs etc) I can provide for a dev that might help us find out whats going wrong? :)
  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Boy, I was "" this close to choosing an Nvidia video card, primarily because it was supposed to run rf2 better than the AMD parts. But I'm glad I went for the R480 instead. These problems would have been frustrating beyond belief. Perhaps a custom NV video driver could be constructed that would cure the issue. Good Luck
  9. mel1c

    mel1c Registered

    Jan 20, 2012
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    August 25, 2016:
    TOCA2FREAK and Ho3n3r like this.
  10. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Hehe, I switched to nvidia because of speed in racing games, now dealing with this, who knew? :D Yes, we need a fix. Had to resume 1 hour race 4 times last weekend, not fun. What is strange is that on my system, sometimes the whole race (even 2hrs) works just fine.
  11. speedo59

    speedo59 Registered

    Dec 11, 2011
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    I made le 29 11 16 without answer
    Thanks Lazza
  12. mel1c

    mel1c Registered

    Jan 20, 2012
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    The fix in Build 1108 for this issue appears to have solved it for me.
    "Fixed sporadic nVidia driver crash on certain tracks. The fix, which is only needed if you were experiencing driver crashes and restarts, can be activated by changing the value WorkaroundFlags=1 in the Config.ini with a text editor. Please make sure to delete your shader cache manually (the files in UserData\Log\Shaders) when making this change."
  13. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    I have not been able to use rF2, it crashes just about every time I use it, with or without plugins. I have an NVIDIA 1070, i7 6800, 500GB SSD, and 32 GB of RAM. I even tried this suggestion by Studio 397 to no avail;

    "Fixed sporadic nVidia driver crash on certain tracks. The fix, which is only needed if you were experiencing driver crashes and restarts, can be activated by changing the value WorkaroundFlags=1 in the Config.ini with a text editor. Please make sure to delete your shader cache manually (the files in UserData\Log\Shaders) when making this change."

    I hope a solution is found soon, rF2 is my favorite SIM :(
  14. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    @Voltaic, that fix is specifically for an issue where the nvidia driver itself crashes and restarts. For most people experiencing this, rFactor 2 keeps running. You must be running into a different issue. Please try describing your steps and exactly when you get the crash. Is it happening at the same point? Does it happen all the time? Any info could be helpful.
  15. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    Hello Marcel

    Regardless of the car or tack (although I tend to use Sebring from Virua LM) I select, "if" I manage to get on track and take a few laps without crashing, most of the time when I hit "Escape" the game crashes to the desktop, sometimes often, sometimes I manage to get a few laps in. Sometimes it crashes to the desktop as I am driving.

    This has been happening since my previous PC build, it seems worst on this upgraded build (see new signature) as well as on the previous rF2 Steam version 1098. I don't have this issue on my stand alone version (1098) of rF2. I do have some non-Workshop cars and tracks installed, if that matters. I am running Windows 10 build 14393, I think it's the latest.

    Let me know if you want me to try something. Thank you!
  16. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    There are very little differences between the Steam and non-Steam version. One thing that comes to mind is the Steam overlay. Try disabling that in the Steam Client. Also, to see if it makes any difference in terms of crashes, try running rFactor 2 in either a normal or a borderless window. You say you've already disabled all plugins. If you were using Trackmap, did you also remove the D3D9.DLL that came with it?
  17. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    Marcel, I will try your suggestions and see what happens. Regarding Trackmap, I only started using it a few days ago as I wanted to eliminate any suspects, the crashes occurred at the same rate. I will remove the 32/64 bit d3d9.dll to be sure. I'll get back to you on this thread asap, thank you!

    PS; Since I use the AccuForce, I launch rF2 through SimCommander 4, not the Steam overlay.
  18. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    It didn't take long. I deleted the d3d9.dlls, essentially disabling Trackmap. I tried Windowed and Borderless (I normally run it Fullscreen), as soon as I hit "Escape" I crash to the desktop :eek:
  19. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    I am still experiencing crashes. However, to be honest I only get them under vorpX VR driver. Don't remember that happening with regular display. I get "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." in eventvwr once in a while. I guess I'll need to wait for native VR support.
  20. Adrian

    Adrian Registered

    Dec 3, 2012
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    @The Iron Wolf Out of interest do you have msi afterburner running at all?

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