I've just found great comparison between real world tires and rF2 ones. There's also a guide how to make/tune tires that will match the real ones as close as possible: https://www.politesi.polimi.it/bitstream/10589/153184/1/Optimisation of the tyre model in rFactor2 environment for AVEHIL professional simulator.pdf Ps. I have an impression they're not aware track temperature doesn't affect tires in rF2 yet.
Great insomnia Friday read. Been a masters thesis many of the definitions, calculations and modeling is way of my comprehension. My only hope is that the conclusion could be materialized and is the creation of a tgm file as real as possible to be used by the community. Regarding track temperature not affecting the tire, in Pages 68 - 69 is stated that the tgm do take in to account the asphalt (track) temperature. Again thanks for the read, and eye opener in the level of simulation rfactor2 implements in it wheels
Nice document, thanks. Interesting how they start with sophisticated calculations and finally end up doing changes by simple trial and error tweaking!! Track temperature does affect tyre temperature, the problem is asphalt temperature being always the same.
remember also, after the virtual 24hr event, Michelin stated the tire degradation was too extreme. Their tires fall off at a much slower rate than the sim tires. And...just to muddle the subject...ACC has a new update with Michelin input.
Indeed! I believe there's a chance for rF2 to become even closer to real life with such publications. Thanks for clarification. That's very good to know.
I'm glad you like it. I was afraid if I'm not linking something known on this forum. rF2 model is impressive and with some tweaks it can be even better.
Tyre grip drop off is mod dependent, and not even part of the core model. It's just a series of values in the [realtime] section (or a couple of series, covering heat history and abrasion)
I would suppose that is not as much time thing to tweak. It is likely mostly aim and perception thing. Since thread about rF2 physics seems to be actually about S397 DLC cars... Balance of power deal seemed to be quite complicated, I'd suppose rework of tires is out of question then. I don't have proof, but I am almost certain that abrasive tire wear has influence on tire grip, especially big when it is sliding and shearing of rubber is most intense. Physically it makes complete sense. Any tweaks for tires would probably shuffle out some BOP stuff.
As i understand the tire behavior is per mod or per implementation. In that way for the 24h lemans, the wheel model in the lmp2 and gte used are not that well modeled to follow the real tire fall off... Is not that the rFactor 2 engine does not implemented, but are the modeled wheels that are not consistent to the real life counter parts. Also, it must be taken in to account the wheel model and year against that the simulated wheels are created... Wheel makers changes their compounds and materials making their wheel better, so a modeled wheel today for a given category could behave different for the wheel used in the same category two years from now.