hey guys, just want to know if anyone has got RacePad for iOS running 100% with the latest build of rfactor2, and iOS 11 on an iPad mini(that’s what I have). I have the latest plugin for the app that was released in may 17, I have no issue connecting to the app over my network, but I’m not getting all the data I played that I’m supposed to. There is timing info for all drivers on track, except for me. Just a blank black line. I have no tire temps, or fuel usage, but I have oil and water temp. He track map comes up, but there is no info, just a bare track outline. There is no weather data displayed. Any help would be much appreciated , cheers. This is what one screen looks like. My game is stock, with just a siminstruments dash plugin, which I disabled with no change.
Hasn’t anyone got RacePad working 100% on any iOS device. If so what iOS are you running and what device, Just trying to figure out whether the problem is my end, or the app needs an update. Cheers.
My installation seems to work fine with the latest version of rF2 and the latest iOS. I have no idea what would be causing your problem.
Thanks to all who replied, I haven’t had a chance to test again yet, it’s been too hot here, and I have no air con. But it looks like it will be my end for sure, from what jimagn has said, mainly regards to the latest iOS, which I have. Once I get mine sorted I’ll post back on what it was.
Hi @Hparadine, Looking at your screenshot it looks like you are either in spectator mode or connected to the dedicated server. Are you by any chance connecting to a dedicated server, rather than the game client? When connecting to the dedicated server I sort of strip out the typical user data. E.g. there are 6 rows in your screenshot of the dashboard, whereas if you're connected to a game client there are 5 rows (and the user row is highlighted and has double height). See http://tyka.net/racepad/images/RacePadWithDashboard_s.png Or are you running a dedicated server and the game on the same system? If you launch the dedicated server first, then the RacePad plugin opens on the dedicated server. When you then launch the game itself, the plugin will fail to launch. Best regards, Ed.
Hi Tygernoot, I’m just opening the game through steam and going to single player, picking a car and a track then race. So I assume I’m not in spectator mode, and I don’t have a dedicated server running on my system.(don’t know how lol) I will have to get a mate round that’s awesome with computers. Ive just been using the game in the most basic way, just normal single player or occasionally going online. Could I be doing anything regarding spectator mode and connecting to a dedicated server without knowing? CHeers mate.