Released Q2 Update and DLC Released

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, May 9, 2022.

  1. JParra

    JParra Registered

    Jul 13, 2017
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    Also problems with the replays here, there is nothing in rF2 although in the folder everything is still there.
    The review of the replays is very necessary in my community for their review by the stewards in the event of accident claims.
    Marc Brink likes this.
  2. Marc Brink

    Marc Brink Registered

    Nov 25, 2015
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    Why not having the option of a trackpack only without these BTCC cars?
    memoNo1 and FS7 like this.
  3. RoWo

    RoWo Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    For the problem with loading older replays:
    Did you try this workaround - loading the car/track-combination of the replay first in single player, and after that loading the replay?
  4. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I compared to new with the previous build no in triple screen because its easier to compare than in VR and i have to say that i lost 15 fps under the same conditions at the start at the end of a 29 AI grid with 16 visible cars from 75fps to 60. I think its a bit to heavy only for sound or higher realroad update rates.
    GTClub_wajdi likes this.
  5. darkojovanoski1986

    darkojovanoski1986 Registered

    Jan 4, 2022
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    I bought also q2 dlc and I can confirm that rfacfor 2 with every improvement demand more and more from the end user in terms of hardware required. Of course we cannot ask to max out the game on old hardware but much better looking games and complex also run much better - better optimised. I think the devs must look deep down in this issue becouse rfactor 2 is on it's way up, but if continue like this we should need super computers to run normal race against 20 ai.
    I struggle with framerates on i5 9600k with 1660ti and 16gb ram. For me to enjoy game against 20 ai in full glory in all weather scenarios means upgrade cpu for around 500 euros and 500 euros for gpu.
    Automobilista 2 for example with my specs cal almost max out against 30 ai. It's different engine ofcourse but the graphics in quality is big.
    I love rfactor 2 and I hope the sim will get even better with every update but we need optimisation BADLY!
  6. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    I agree with the requirement of the simulator, currently with an RTX3080 and a 5800x (VR) it is difficult to move a race with AI without being in low graphics, even so I do not think that AMS2 is a point of comparison since the difference in polygons is enormous
  7. JParra

    JParra Registered

    Jul 13, 2017
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    What I tried was to generate a new replay to see if it was solved and when I went there was the one that had just done plus a previous hotlap, although I'm sure he had several race replays with that combination.

    Anyway, even if that system works temporarily, I hope that if they can be shown that way, they will do whatever it takes to make them show as before.
  8. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    The more I drive the more I dislike the new sound engine. I wholeheartedly approve the desire to change the old into something new and better.
    But either this whole "backwards compatible" is a lie or it has been released in a state it shouldn't have been.

    For all the gains it gives now it's so mixed bag with in cockpit sounds that it makes hard to drive in most of the content for me. In some cases the engine sound is too loud, in other cases too silent. In some cases it's so awkwardly muffled that it hurts. I have cars where engine sound stops when the tires is on the kerb (I have 256 sound sources set, so that's not it). Some engines crackle while not being loud (so it doesn't seem to be simple over-saturation of amplitude).

    The volume sliders are nice but am I supposed to fine tune them per car now?
    Also the silence of S397 in this regard is typical. Should modders update their cars or not? Is it really backwards compatible or this is a typical PR? Is the new engine documented so modders even know how to update their cars?

    When this was Release Candidate some people were saying: let's not jump to conclusions, only few cars have been updated, more cars will be at the release. No new cars have been updated and several 3rd party cars are barely driveable for me now. Is this new sound engine supposed to invalidate existing 3rd party content? Some of it will also never get updated, cause people abandoned their mods.
  9. Stevy

    Stevy Registered

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I will wait with the BTCC stuff.
    I'm not a big BTCC fan and it looks like we will get more BTCC stuff later this year, so I wait for the pack to be complete + when it's on sale. It also seems like it has typical rf2 release quality :D
    Perhaps I will buy Laguna Seca as it is perfect for IMSA, Indycar, GT3 stlye races which are great fun in rf2 (even with AI)
  10. Erling Hugosson

    Erling Hugosson Registered

    Jan 6, 2021
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  11. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    In the first post is a link to the blog story about the new content. At the end of that are links to the three packs.
    Also in Steam, you can visit the rF2 Workshop & that has a button near the top, just right of center, that will take you to the Steam rF2 store.
  12. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Not yet no, but be patient. The sound guy at S397 is extremely capable but he's probably burning up right now trying to update the paid content as quickly as possible. We can probably assume that documentation will arrive when he has time because he will be the best person to provide this documentation.

    All we need really is an updated skip barber (the car dev mode uses as an example) to have updated sound because this will show the modders the new file format. Then the modders can update their content. However, releasing this without documentation would be a bad idea because modders would then approach the sound update in different ways and ultimately we will have inconsistent sounding mods (very bad).

    The sound engine is a masterpiece in my opinion we just need to be a bit patient and let them update according to their priorities. It shouldn't be too long I don't think.
  13. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    "It shouldn't be too long" in S397's terms means 2+ years.
    And again. I do understand all of this. Buy they explicitly said backwards compatible.

    This is funny:

    I love this car, but now in cockpit when driving on kerbs it sounds like a hackney filled with tin cans that's about to fall apart.
    In the replay kerbs almost sound like A10's brrrrrrrt.
    At least the engine sound is fine here.
  14. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    The term Backward Compatible most likely means the old sounds will still work. They just won't sound right. Modders, once the details are released, will have to revisit much of their work to step up to this new sound engine. I suspect many of the older mods won't get updated for the new sounds as the authors have either moved on to other projects or lost interest.
  15. Hinyaldee

    Hinyaldee Registered

    Nov 24, 2021
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    I can't hear the tyres anymore with the Formula Pro. I love hearing the wind and kerbs more but I need the tyre sound...
    GT_ONE likes this.
  16. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    There is a specific slider for tire sounds, but it is under the Legacy header which suggests it affect cars that do not have the full sound treatment like the rFpro has... give it a try and let us know if it works.
  17. Foxtrot

    Foxtrot Registered

    Nov 2, 2011
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    The new sound engine makes me not want to use the sim.
    Its great if you want to simulate sitting in the grandstand watching a race. I guess its pretty awesome if you want to hotlap with no other cars on track. I have to hold the glance button to look in the mirrors so not being able to hear opponent cars at all is game-breaking.

    sniper likes this.
  18. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    each modder must update their own vehicles the studio does not have to stop moving forward because of that, also not all sound files are the same there are many who used SFX files exported directly from RF1 or AMS that will create even more problems as they differ from the files used in RF2.
    Also not everyone uses the same sound samples at the same channels, frequencies or rates. all this influences that you experience problems with the sounds, that clearly speaking of mods, and or comparing old official cars with newer content.
    Simulation_Player and pkelly like this.
  19. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Well, you don't need them to tell you that. It's enough to open any car to know that. And this term is actually not used for such a soft guarantee.
    In X-Plane for instance, which guarantees backwards compatibility when your plane used to work and doesn't work on a new version it's treated as a bug. If something used to work and uses documented API/features has to continue working in a new version unless otherwise mentioned.

    That's what worries me.

    And where do you see them saying that? Because I can see them saying something exactly opposite in the changelog. The fact that it's not true is the reason I have an issue with that.

    If they did say that this is how it is. New sound engine, you need to update the cars at least they would be honest.
    The didn't say that.
    Dady Cairo likes this.
  20. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    I say this as a person who makes modifications for fun, we assume to create content on a platform that is in continuous development, I have updated more than 10 times materials and adjusted textures due to IBL changes, but I'm not complaining accept this fact, myself I moved from Assetto corsa to Rfactor 2 due to ongoing development, if you want to make or view content that will not change RF2 is not the platform for you at the moment unfortunately.

    I understand your frustration at seeing the sounds fail like this. But I also don't think that backward compatibility should weigh down development so that old content remains compatible, this same section weighed down the simulator for a long time, people who preferred to have the old content working instead of updating its modifications.

    at least this is my opinion, I'd rather see drastic changes with proper documentation (which I know is not available at the moment) than waste time keeping old content "compatible"

    I also understand that we all have different points of view :D, I hope that soon the proper documentation can come out so that we can update our content to the new sound engine.
    Havner likes this.

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