So, LeMans 2014 is going to end in a few hours. RAM Racing is already done and some skins are wip. Is anyone interested to start a LM24 2014 skin thread to make the field as complete as possible. Not much people doing WEC/LM skins yet sadly.
Looking great! I found a video on youtube, check it out here: But I'm not sure if this solution is useful for you...
Aparently with the car shader reflection settings this car have, we just can't. I tried to make the Ganassi Indy500's silver cars, but even with 100% White on alpha, it still looks like an ugly gray.
Tosch experimented with using a noise filter on the alpha layer. That gives a more dispersed, "matte" look IIRC.
I thought the noise filter was used on the blue paint section of that skin Tosch showed to give a nice metallic paint look and in turn it helped make the black paint look more matte. I didn't realise the noise filter was used on the alpha also, confirmation anyone?
Hi Fabio. Very nice skin! Looks like the problem color is silver metallic. What I did to get an metallic look is to add a photoshop noise filter (10%) to the specular map (in devmode) for the metallic parts of the skin. To make it look real grainy the skin is 4096x4096. The Problem is you can't add a specmap to a specific skin atm, so this no solution. Maybe you can add some white noise (fake specular reflections) to the silver parts of the diffuse map and some noise to the alpha.
My new skin for the FR3.5 2014 View attachment 13226 .dds:
The cars materials has properties such is Min ref, max ref etc. That defines that when alpha is purerly white, the max reflection is applied, which is limited by number you have filled in. So without changing the actuall car models material settings (which you will not be able to) chrome is not possible, and some other tricky looks too.
So will the chrome look never be possible in rf2 Mikee or is it something that will become more possible as rf2 matures?
Chrome is posibile but the whole car body material needs to be setuped for that in materials when exporting the car ingame. Ive suggestes ISI to implent this values into veh that would simply override the wccarbody material for the car you want as that would make it more easy for modders overall.
Hi , please i cant arriv to see my dds Rwing for the Ferrucio ( URD mod ) In my folder : FEREGT_53 , i have : _039_Rene_Alt its ok _039_Rene_Altban its ok _039_Rene_Altwing or _039_Rene_Altrwing i cant see it I dont understand , can someone help me please
Theres a spelling mistake in the WC, so it's not possible to use until it gets fixed in the next update