Porsche GT3R - Wrong implemented Dash

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karaya2, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    You could be right or wrong, I wouldn't know but think about what you said.
    You basically accused S397 of lying?
    Think about it again.
    jayarrbee36 likes this.
  2. bluet

    bluet Registered

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Agree 100% that is why i said talking B/S again
  3. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    If the cars were released without the so obvious issues I wouldn't say that. But which manufacturer would want their car to take longer to refuel than others in a BoP based class for example?
    I may sound harsh but this is the only sim I play. I care :)
  4. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Wich car manufacturer would like to see their car flip in games? I have seen all kind of wierd stuff in games, some have visual issues, some have quite big physics issues. Yet most car manufacturers are fine with how their cars drive in those games. But suddenly when a sim dev releases a great sim car with fantastic physics but an average looking 3D model with a few imperfections here and there, the sim racing community goes onto a witch hunt in quite obsessive manners filling several pages about a missed polygon or giving false reports based on comparisons with old promo shots not asking themself if the data from the manufacturer might be just different or if the fuel intake might be just on the other side of the car. Yet, if the car drives like crap but looks absolutely stunning there is not a single post. Wierd, isn't it how the sim racing community has changed? Btw, that flipping car was a Porsche sold in a DLC and it never got fixed. So stop pretending that everything that is sold by Kunos, SMS or wichever dev is pure gold while S397 sells rushed, half assed content. We don't live in a perfect world. I think it is fine to give feedback in the appropriate places in respectful ways. But what I have seen posted about S397 is quite ridiciolous.
    Narrowbackwing, Bjørn, bluet and 2 others like this.
  5. jpalesi

    jpalesi Registered

    Sep 15, 2011
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    This forum, and other places, are full of people saying "I'll buy this to support devs". Even some telling they'll buy even if it's not too good. That's the definition of buying blindly.

    Wait a little bit, and if this car runs in Blancpain, you'll see in ACC what a proper model should look like. Maybe a modder will do this car in AC, and it'll still be better. Then it can be converted to rF2. Be patient.

    So basically, S397 poor decision making in some features causing problems to S397. Funny.
    More and more things are hardcoded, making the open modding platform less open.

    Are you ?

    Yep, and I still do. Maybe Tuttle will make Chris ban me again for saying that, who knows.

    I still have anything to prove you. Besides, even with the evidence shown in front of your eyes, you show with that Aston model a huge hypocrisy and bad faith.
    And I'm no longer modding because I don't want to give anything anymore to that community, because it means people like you get things for free. It's too bad for the good people, but as usual, good guys pay for the actions of others.
    Louis likes this.
  6. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    This has nothing to do with my post, refuel is part of BoP, that means in performance that car is at a disadvantage compared to others (and in a online race it suck) in a class that is pure based on BoP.

    Can you quote me saying Kunos or SMS or any other dev sells pure gold products? I dont even buy AC DLC because I think they are a bad mix of cars I'm not interested and that game is not worh the money. SMS? LOL are you a comedian? As I said I only play rF2.
    I also never said anything that even gives the idea that the world is perfect. I only want professionals to do their job as professionals before selling a DLC. While the DLC keeps being released this way I'll say that stuff about manufacturer approval is false, I dont care if people disagree or not :)
    See Sebring had no issues, they took their time and the track is top notch, could cost 2x more easily (pls dont!!! :D ). Besides a few people running potatoes there was literally 0 complaints about Sebring, only praises.
    They need to do the same with cars. Stop rushing cars because of an event, stop rushing because end of year. If cant be released dont release and if there is a issue fix it as soon as reported, the fuel thing has been there since release of first pack and all you need to fix it is literally a calculator and a text editir to change a single line.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
    patchedupdemon likes this.
  7. TJones

    TJones Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Had to cut this text out, because i very much agree here. Sebring track was THE highlight of 2018.
    About vehicles however, i really like to see more time and effort put in, for each individual car. Better cockpit/dash, more realistic sound and setup options, just to name a few aspects. To me it looks like to much cars in to less time, and yes i also like to see issues adressed asap.
    Sebastien Sestacq likes this.
  8. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Typical argument. Blaming other people for your inability after making a bragging statement. As said, I have seen that alot of times before and I am certainly the last one to feel sorry about the loss of your big contribution.
  9. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I’ve been a staunch supporter of S397 and bought all dlcs apart from the formula e because it just didn’t interest me, but from now on I won’t be buying dlcs until the standards are the same for all cars not just one or two
    Marisa and tlsmikey like this.
  10. Louis

    Louis Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Worried. Mainly play third party content and f1 historics here

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