[REL] Porsche Cayman GT4 Manthey MR V3.01.

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Frederick Alonso, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    Ow yes the Refmap0 is active on the window shader, same for the carbody.
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Because i was curious, i have tested it.
    In DevMode, i used the Cayman on Botniaring Long and the Drops did appear black.
    In the Cockpit Window Shader, the Live Mapper was indeed activated.
    Then i have seen, that you use a JSON File to override the Material Settings, so i've ckecked that too.
    And here i could find the "Problem".
    The Reflection Mapper in the JSON File was set to REFLECTEDENV.
    Changing that to REFMAP0 fixed the Problem.
    But as said, it also depends on how good a Track is set up.
    When i remove the ReflectionMapper=REFMAP0 Entries from the Tracks SCN File, the Drops are black again.
    svictor, atomed, vava74 and 1 other person like this.
  3. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    Aha, interesting find. Will fix that for sure then.
    Akon Michi and vava74 like this.
  4. Akon Michi

    Akon Michi Registered

    Jan 5, 2022
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    Never had this issue but nice that is also fixed soon :)
  5. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    Thanks again @redapg, I fixed the json meanwhile. Once I compile V1.1 it will be history ;-)
    I guess adding a json has no REFMAP0 by default. Learning everyday.
    makan, Manfredk2 and redapg like this.
  6. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The optimal Solution would be, if the Game Code would keep the white Color for the Rain Drops, even if there is no Reflection Mapper set in the Cars Windscreen Material or if a Track has no ReflectionMapper=REFMAP0 Section defined. ;)
    Frederick Alonso and Hazi like this.
  7. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    True :)

    Anyway, meanwhile I have done some updates in last two weeks between all other tasks I'm doing for GEM. @lemming77 aka April will be doing the physic things that are mandatory for the GEM 24 hour event at the green hell.

    Tasks left: green is ok
    1. - Extra material for more shadow under the car (edited)
    2. - Revision: Understeer / slightly more slip at rear on throttle.
    3. - Rim optimization = 25 FPS more power
    4. - BOP
    5. - Final tyre and physics (better turn circle)
    6. - Fix small front light glass offset + LOD front lights glass and mirrors
    7. - Look at reflections windshield (I guess a bad 3D edge fix is needed)
    8. - Final template map (small error on rear bumper)
    9. - Two new wing models to be made + physics differences
    10. - FFB 20% less heavy
    11. - Scale the mirror 3D up so there is no gap.
    12. - Extension on 5th point: Making the front diffuser bottomplate undertray (code) higher. It creates a bump now on sausages which will be gone soon.
    13. Add new team cars
    14. Fix plexi look (since update S397) the cool FX is gone.

    Behind the scenes of the new Rim model test:
    Peak drop at 59FPS at SPA with this big FOV and 16 cars on the camera on a simple Geforce 1070:

    If you remember my previous post. My favorite corner to test FPS Comparisons was at 169 FPS back then..


    195 FPS now :cool: or 26 FPS more gain.

    Plexi fix:
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2022
    Corti, Rogger, makan and 9 others like this.
  8. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    The stock car wing I have been modelling[​IMG]

    I started with the wing blade (half side)
    Then started the support base
    3 hours later..

    But it seems I was modelling it too round, can happen with freelance modelling. So I took the reference again and scaled the height down and rotated the blade as it should..
    It's the exact same view angle.



    Tasks left: green is ok

    1. - Extra material for more shadow under the car (edited)
    2. - Revision: Understeer / slightly more slip at rear on throttle. -> April is on it
    3. - Rim optimization = 25 FPS more power
    4. - BOP -> April is on it
    5. - Final tyre and physics (better turn circle) -> April is on it
    6. - Fix small front light glass offset + LOD front lights glass and mirrors
    7. - Look at reflections windshield (I guess a bad 3D edge fix is needed)
    8. - Final template map (small error on rear bumper)
    9. - Two new wing models + physics differences
    10. - FFB 20% less heavy -> April is on it
    11. - Scale the mirror 3D up so there is no gap.
    12. - Extension on 5th point: Making the front diffuser bottomplate undertray (code) higher. It creates a bump now on sausages which will be gone soon. -> April is on it
    13. Add new team cars
    14. Fix plexi look (since update S397) the cool FX is gone.
    15. Make frontbumper a bit less round on the corners (it's a bit too much rounded now and to the front side of the car)
    If all goes fine, end this month V1.1 will be compiled.

    Feel free to rate the mod car, I'm sure V1.1 will be that last mile we where all been waiting for :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648433641
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  9. darkojovanoski1986

    darkojovanoski1986 Registered

    Jan 4, 2022
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    Frederick I am glad that development continues of this amazing car. I like the mod a lot and drive it regularly. Can`t wait to drive 1.1 version of the car. Also I want to ask you, I am not an expert about Porsche cars but I like them a lot and drive them through other sims too, is there anything you can do to make the car little more slidey while exiting from corners? I drive stock setup and feel that the car is planted on the track and have feeling that is really heavy. Accelerating little early should make the rear end slide out, and with traction controll off should be able to drift. Don`t get me wrong, this is all present here but I think should be even more, by judging how car behaves on other sim titles. I wish I could test this Porsche on real track in real life :D
    Keep up the good work!!! And thanks for the awesome car :)
    Frederick Alonso likes this.
  10. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    TBH what we are doing for V1.1 is making the rear a 20% less grippy but we also need to have a watch on AI, then we also fix the collision model so the AI and user can hit a curb without being send to the moon in very odd conditions. The heavy feel is a point from a while ago, so we will implement a 20% ffb reduction. But a real driver said this was perfect. So it's just sim racers asking for it.
    makan, pkelly and darkojovanoski1986 like this.
  11. darkojovanoski1986

    darkojovanoski1986 Registered

    Jan 4, 2022
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    great :) can`t wait! thanks again :)
    Frederick Alonso likes this.
  12. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I have wild ideas to rework my base as stock RS version with more engine power in the far future (next two years).
    The way I see that mod would be all about power and slide (not BOP related) pure sensation. So you can drift on race depending on the settings.

    If all goes fine, end this month V1.1 will be compiled.

    Feel free to rate the mod car, I'm sure V1.1 will be that last mile we where all been waiting for :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648433641
    haunetal1990, makan, evi and 2 others like this.
  13. makan

    makan Registered

    Mar 6, 2017
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  14. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I did a few VRAY renders and had a nice chat with one of my Patrons about the shape of the front bumper. [​IMG]

    Long story short, I was not 100% happy as well so I was like. F... it, I go after perfection.
    A raw low poly was made based on good references which I did not have back in the day.
    Lower poly is also better for GPU, so all fine.
    Another VRAY later:
    Offcourse this all needs to be remapped onto the old skins, so it's a bit more work then I would have done for V1.1.
    Also the doors had not that typical aero groove:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Almost 12 hours non stop rework and editing has passed, I can show you the side view now. It's almost 99% perfect.

    Perfection is key now, the bottom of bumper is my work for tonight under a full moon.
    Afterwards I flip the bumper and the mapping so it's an exact copy.
  15. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    It was already great, but now, it's even greater :-D
    atomed and Frederick Alonso like this.
  16. haunetal1990

    haunetal1990 Registered

    Jan 4, 2012
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    @Frederick Alonso did u use the manual / original blueprints files for that car?
  17. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    It was mostly, if not exclusively, eye balled...
    atomed and Frederick Alonso like this.
  18. haunetal1990

    haunetal1990 Registered

    Jan 4, 2012
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    ah okay, cause manuals are online over manthey website
  19. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    It's a combination of manuals for data (physics), good images and mostly our eyes that judge it. Many times I take same angle shots of 3D and overlay them in Photoshop so we can spot the differences much better. Something I did with Ginetta LMP1, Toyota TS050, Rebellion and BR as well. It really helps to spot issues.
    pkelly, makan and atomed like this.
  20. Frederick Alonso

    Frederick Alonso Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    So the finished front bumper is done, also the hood is shorter now (more space at wiper motors).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    After 10 hours

    If all goes fine, V1.1 will be compiled in coming weeks.

    Feel free to rate the mod car, I'm sure V1.1 will be that last mile we where all been waiting for :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648433641
    makan, leseb64, haunetal1990 and 16 others like this.

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