Porsche Carrera GT

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by redapg, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I fear i'll have to adjust the Engine a little bit more.
    I did it already before i released it, to get the real Acceleration and max. Speed, but i have to do it again as it seems.
    I drove a Lap on the Nordschleife and could easily drive the same Laptime of 7:28 like a professional Driver (Marc Basseng).
    But i am not that good. :D
    atomed likes this.
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I've added a Video to the first Post, just in Case that you didn't notice, that it can be driven as a Convertible too. :)
    pkelly, makan, Emery and 3 others like this.
  3. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    I love where the car is heading to, frightening fast and very nice to handle until a certain point where it stabs you in the back. Love to see the wipers working. Not knowing nothing about the real car I´d wish the tires would take a bit longer to heat up but it´s not a game changer. The sound is scary too which fits perfectly with the car. I´m enjoying it a lot, as always thanks for sharing your work with all of us.
    P.S. Try it at Kyalami, the fast corner after the back hairpin is brown code lap after lap.
    redapg likes this.
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Thank you for the Feedback.
    To be honest, i don't like the Physics in the current State, because i everytime die on each Lap on the Nürburgring Nordschleife, at Hohenrein in the fast left-right Curve. :D
    Is it a Kyalami Track from the the Workshop and if yes, which one of the 2 is it?
  5. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    This is the one I tried:

    The turn is t12 (Mineshaft), you can feel the excess torque plus G-Forces making the caroversteer out of its limits, it´s fantastic and terrifying.

    As for handling, I think they only need tuning to make it more torque-sensitive, to feel that it´s a lot of power to control via throttle. Anyway, the tires in this car are so wide that lateral grip must be huge IRL.

    PS. You probably know already but the mirrors project the forward image, not the rear one.
  6. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @atomed I'll try Kyalami.

    But the Mirrors show the Rear for me. :)
    Which Seat Values do you use for longitudinal and vertical Position?
  7. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @atomed It seems as if the Mirrors go into a strange "Mirroring", when you move the Seat too much to the Front.
    When you move the Mirrors to the Rear, that you can see the left and right outside Mirrors completely on a 1 Monitor Setup, does it look OK for you then?
  8. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Drove this car for a first time at Brands Hatch. I think it is being undersold at the moment, because it is pretty good. Immediately before driving, as I was scrolling through upgrade options, looking at all the skins could tell that plenty of work has been put in already.

    Sound of course is not doing proper justice, but it is not bad. Not well balanced for my sound settings, but I saw there is upgrade option for sounds.

    Model is good, I think a lot can be improved for shading, but it looks good.

    Physics aren't bad either IMO. I don't quite agree with default setup, I have altered it quite a lot and made the car a lot more driveable, because by default it actually is very hard and nervous. I think some of the main things that helps to make it a lot easier is stiffening rear rebound, and stiffening rear fast damping. Reducing toe alignment angles. I also reduced springs stiffness quite a bit,, reduced front arb stiffness a lot. I noticed front wheel started going through mesh, so I probably went a little too soft with springs (and lowest ride height).

    There are many aero options, maybe thats good. I think minimum tire pressures should be higher. I suspect inertia being on higher end, but haven't looked at it. Would like default caster to have an option for lower angle, but maybe that wouldn't be realistic, I don't know.

    Tires feels like they are modern GT tires, and IMO they are good, although to me there is lack of some subtle detailing in handling. I wonder if it has chassis flex. Initially the car even felt slow, although it was going fast. I think it would be kool to have older race tires and road tires. But other than that the handling is very firm, roadholding is very good.

    Overall first impression is very good. Besides that it is great to have a one more road car in rF2 which is rare, and one more epic Porsche.
    pkelly and redapg like this.
  9. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    @redapg yes, you are right. In VR 0 front/rear view position sits way too back of the driver, like 30cm behind his shoulders. There the mirrors look ok, when I moved forward until I was in the correct position (near value 240) the mirror view already flipped.
  10. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @mantasisg Thank you for the Feedback. :)
    I'm currently overworking the Suspension, because in the current Workshop Version, the Damper Travel is much too high for this Car.
    So please wait until the next Version gets released.
    To the lower Caster ..... to have a good "Connection" of the front Wheels to the Steering, it needs some Testing to find a good Value and that must not necessarely be realistic, especially if you don't have real Values for the whole Suspension Geometry, like in this Case.
    The Problem with a too low Caster is, that the Steering gets "loose/nervous" so that the Car doesn't drive on a straight Line on a flat Straight Track anymore.
    And that is not how a Car normally drives.
    A Car should drive exactly into that Direction into that you steer. :)

    @atomed If you use VR you have probably set the Value for Moving Rearview (Whether mirrors respond to head movement in cockpit) in the Player.JSON to 1, 2 or 3, right?
    If i e.g. set it to 3, the Mirror-View turns around of my Position in a Cycle, the more i move the Seat.
    If i set that Value to 4 (ignores the Effect) everything stays normal.
    Maybe you can try out different Settings, to get a better Result.
    I did make the default Eye Point in that Way, that i can see the left outside Mirror on my 1920x1080 Monitor in the default Seat and Mirror Setup.
    If you can not get a better Result, i can add an Upgrade Option, that moves the default Eye Point 24 or 30 cm forward.
    I don't have VR, so i can not test it. :)
    atomed likes this.
  11. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    I didn´t know that, that´s great news for other cars with the same issue, thanks a lot!
    redapg likes this.
  12. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I had to remodel the front Fenders a little bit, because they weren't correct.
    There was too less Space between the Tire and the Fender Edge on the upper Third of the Tire.
    Below are Screenshots before/after.
    Fortunately i could remap it in that Way, that it matches the old Mapping, so that no Skin has to be repainted. :)

  13. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Looks like it was indeed too low. I guess the original modeler got that horizontal seam too low, which has to meet fender arch line, and cheated by lowering fender top.

  14. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The whole Model is not so accurate.
    I had to resize it to at least get a correct Wheelbase.
    But that is the Price for "free to use" 3D Models, i fear. :D
    Emery and mantasisg like this.
  15. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    It is not a bad model for a free 3D model, it really looks good. I think if we look at ISI original Cobra 3D model and assume that it is fairly accurate, then this Carerra GT model is very accurate. I think improperly round front fender arch might have been the only thing that was weird. Maybe wheel spokes are a bit thin. Anyway, as the saying goes: "Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth".

    Great luck that this editing didn't interfere a lot with UVmap/skins.
  16. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Here is the Video with the 7:28.71 Laptime of Marc Basseng.
    At the End of the Video he complains about the Setup a little bit. :)
    So i think that my overworked Setup will be good. :D

    pkelly, atomed and 7bhp_Mk like this.
  17. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Beautiful, a real pro driver car, Porsche´s best IMO.

    If the driver complains about the setup then you´re on the right path :D

    May I suggest a manual config without autoblip and a delay for upshifting, both for the player and the AI, just to make the car even more difficult to handle :p
  18. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    That lap looked slow and underdriven. Also whoever decided to put on that security camera overlay filter, that person lost karma points.
  19. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Did you hear it bottom out and scrape the bodywork?
  20. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Out of Interest, i thought i could make a first Test Lap on the Nordschleife, with the current default Setup.
    But the Car is still a bit too fast, i guess, even if i still use the Street Tires and it doesn't have too much Downforce (480 N (49 Kg) at the Front and 392 N (40 Kg) at the Rear, at 200 Km/H), which are the real Values, if we can trust the Internet.
    @mantasisg You could be right, if you say that it was a slow Lap from Marc Basseng, because he didn't pushed it to the Limit, when you listen to what he did say at the End of the Video.
    @atomed I've added a Shift Delay (with Downshift Blip currently), that i use in the Video.
    @Emery Don't you think that were the Tires or something else? The Car should not bottom out under normal Circumstances in my Opinion.
    Except you rumble over the very high Curbs on the Nürburgring. :)

    philrob and atomed like this.

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