Please vote for rFactor (1) on Steam

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by 88mphTim, Dec 9, 2014.



    Mar 14, 2012
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    steam is a misery, I'm not interested................I vote here
  2. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    As already mentioned, Steam and AC mods work flawlessly. All this paranoia is fun... :rolleyes:
  3. Hybridesque

    Hybridesque Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    You may want to edit your OP to answer some of the possible questions, to ease the conversation.

    1. Assuming you get greenlit on Steam and do go onto Steam with rF1, does that mean you need to have the Steam Client and a Steam Account to install/activate and run the game?
    2. What happens to existing licence holders of rF1?
    3. Will you still offer licences via the ISI website that do not require the use of Steam in its entirity?

    From my own personal perspective, I've been deliberately staying away from Steam, I dislike the intangibility of it all, plus I see it like addictive crack with their sales etc... I probably would not be able to resist myself hemorrhaging money into games on Steam.

    I realise that is hypocritical given I've bought the lifetime licence of rF2 and I can't trade it off, and it's just like a rental of sorts, but I've not got anything tangible to show for it. Main reason I went for lifetime because it was one purchase and that was it... I can play as little or as much as I choose. I didn't want it to feel like a subscription, therefore feeling duty bound to invest time in it.

    I bailed and requested a refund from Project CARS during development because they went on Steam, and chose not to get involved with Assetto Corsa because they chose this direction also. Would have bought Skyrim had it not been Steam also. Now I seek clarification about my concerns since I love rF2 and had played around with rF1 in the past, and I hope you'll be able to answer them to my satisfaction. I don't own rF1, but am considering purchasing it because of Endurance Series and CTDP F1 2006.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  4. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Answers to 1, 2, 3 are all unknown. Although there's no intention of being Steam only, we make less money from people who would come direct that way. I know you want clarification, but we've actually not even said we'll be on Steam, we're looking to be greenlit. iRacing were greenlit as well a while back, if people recall. All we're doing is easing in, wanting to take a look and if we can deliver there in a suitable way, we will. That's all I can say at this point, we need to be greenlit and know more to actually give answers.
  5. Hybridesque

    Hybridesque Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Well, given I'm not on Steam, I can't vote in the first place. If you do get greenlit, I look forward to your response once you know more about the possibilities.
  6. Panigale

    Panigale Banned

    May 30, 2012
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    Sorry Tim, answer to #1 is not unknown. You don't need to be greenlit to read their documentation. Via Steam's support doc:

    I'll paste the best bit:

    "The Steam client application's files must be updated to allow for the use of Offline Mode. If your game's status is "100% - Ready" but you receive the message "This game cannot be started in Offline Mode" when attempting to play offline, the Steam client application's files need to be updated.
    Firewall settings preventing Steam from updating itself are the most common cause for this problem. Please see the Troubleshooting Network Connectivity topic for instructions to configure your network so Steam may update if you encounter any difficulties with Offline Mode."

    This isn't like you said, "Steam is essentially a way of providing a purchase coupon and an installer, you don't need Steam again after purchase." From what I read on Steam's support site is the client is needed each time the game is launched and forces client updates for offline use. (Read on their forum that timeouts are hard coded in their client files hence forcing connection after so many days offline.)
  7. Carlo

    Carlo Registered

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Well ... my two cents.

    No way in heck would I install the Steam client on any of my machines. Nor would anybody I associate with. One of the reasons I selected rF2 was so I didn't have to put up with that garbage.
  8. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Good because it would be , ignorant, belligerent , pointless and fanyboy to do.

    Like that petition to remove vmods ..........oh dear :rolleyes:

    NO ONE is forcing anyone to use STEAM or ISI for that matter

    Grow a pair.
  9. Minibull

    Minibull Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    Man, this really is some damned if you do, damned if you don't stuff going on. Seems like a couple of months ago there were a bunch of people pestering for steam delivery, for more people, more money for ISI, and for some making it easier to deal with. Some saying that ISI would die if they didn't get onto that delivery platform. :rolleyes:

    So now the baby steps are taken, (with nothing actually said by any of the staff saying that it will be steam only bear in mind...) and there appears to be a huge group who seem he'll bent on having no steam support at all, never mind the fact that it wouldn't impact them buying direct from ISI...
    If i can buy direct from a dev then I always do, I want them to see as much of the profit as possible. But this rather insane paranoia of steam in trying to actually get a look at the system with the greenlight system is crazy to me.
    If they do get on steam then we get steam groups and friends, could make it a bit nicer for league runners.
    The bit I'd be keen to see is the mod workshop being used for cars and tracks, if possible that is.

    As far as I'm concerned with steam, I have a 120 or so games amassed over the last few years. Modding has been no problem for me, cliffs of Dover, fallout, oblivion, skyrim, AC. They all work fine and have continued to work fine with countless amounts of mods. In skyrims case, both using workshop and manual mods at the same time. In cliffs of dovers case, using what is a total overhaul of the sim.
    Does that mean it works perfect for everyone based one one person's experience? No. But it's one more positive experience in what looks like a sea of hate XD
  10. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    ISI's rep in the "sim racing community" is shot. Time for ISI to branch out since this community isn't welcoming them. I'm a lurker on sim racing reddit and see ISI are getting hammered for this there as well. There are just too many folks who think ISI can do no right. This move by ISI seems like it just can't hurt but as Tim says, this isn't even for sure anyway. A greenlight application doesn't mean rF1 will make it to Steam.
  11. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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  12. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    il vote yes just hope this helps to put more hands on board with RF2 and less for RF1 which would be great for all.
  13. Max Angelo

    Max Angelo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I cant vote because i havent a Steam account (this is my first point of concern ... why i cant vote if i am not a steamology addict? Just to explain better, i am not a video gamer, i am just a sim racer, no need at all to install steam garbage in my PC, or to sign in, just for a vote).

    Said that, if i had the possibility to vote i would like to vote "Yes" ... for a software aged 10 years a refreshing in the interest of new users is for sure a good thing.

    At the same time, i really hope that rF2 will never have the need to enrich Steam devs and that it will be able to go ahead, with good success, using its own legs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2014
  14. yifter

    yifter Registered

    Dec 11, 2010
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  15. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I use Steam for various stuff and, so far, have had no problems with it. I actually tried to vote and that vote would have been yes but for some reason, even though I`m logged into my account when I go to vote it asks me to log in (although I`m already logged in) and when I try to log in (again) to vote I`m being told "wrong user name or password" (etc)


    I`m not at home right now and on my GF`s net (not sure if that`s got anything to do with it, wouldn`t have thought so tbh) but I`ll vote yes for sure when I`m back home soon. :)
  16. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    This is awesome and will introduce many people to rF2 - modders (individual or groups), mods in general, communities, etc. etc.

    Power comes in numbers, from those numbers comes more creativity, from that creativity comes more third party content, from more third party content comes more numbers - and the cycle repeats.
  17. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    This x a million. :)

    At least a few of us gets why this move isn't a sign of the apocalypse.. :D
  18. Adrian

    Adrian Registered

    Dec 3, 2012
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    The first year and a half of steam I hated it and did everything I could not to use it, then it got less **** and it's at the point where I have zero problems with steam or valve (except my unease at their near monopoly :) )

    I haven't had any problems with using mods with steam, and pretty much everything I play has mods. I'm guessing Rfactor will work much like DCS on steam where everything you buy on steam will transfer to the standalone version but not the other way around. I have both steam and non-steam DCS activated at the same time with no problems.

    And as Tim has said it makes no sense for them to drop their launcher as it makes them a greater profit and they're spent man hours on it, also they're using it for Rogue System so they have to continue to support it anyway :cool:
  19. Nazirull Safry Paijo

    Nazirull Safry Paijo Registered

    May 28, 2011
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    ISI just asking yes or no. Y da heck ask 'are my grandkids be able to use it with his 500inch 40k monitor that is attached to occulus rift dk5000???'

  20. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    People think too much, read too much into everything, and enjoy their own conclusions far too much to listen to anyone elses.

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